Newbie with over 100lbs to loose

Hi im laura, i have recently split up with my long term partner and been diagnosed as pre diabetic and am desperate to get this weight off, both for my health and so that I dont feel invisible.
I have over 100lbs to loose and although I know its going to take time i am keen to get started.
I would really like some accountability buddies so if you are in a similar situation and you want to be friends send over a request

lets smash this



  • xx_christiee
    xx_christiee Posts: 34 Member
    Hey! Just added you
  • Mifite
    Mifite Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Laura, sane boat, I’m from the UK and looking for buddies and accountability. Add me! :)
  • z6jv4rrmdy
    z6jv4rrmdy Posts: 18 Member
    I will add you as a friend! I’ve been on this app since March but really started making friends during the summer and working hard on losing weight! 61 lbs lost so far and have 20-30 more to go! I’ve made some great friends on here that keep me inspired and motivated! Welcome
  • MelBull2022
    MelBull2022 Posts: 8 Member
    I re-joined mid October, I have been battling my weight for what seems like the last 15-20 years. I was diagnosed with an underactive Thyroid in my mid 20s and weight has been a struggle since. It was at its worst this Jan when I was at my highest ever 264.5 lbs.
    I've tried Weight Watchers multiple times, and just seemed to be fighting with the same 5 lbs there.
    I have been tracking here for the last 30 days and have lost 8 lbs I'm down a total of 11.5 lbs since my highest weight in Jan though so this seems to be working for me.
    I'm 45 and a Mom to a 9 year old and step mom to a 17 year old. Life is busy but I need to get a handle on my weight. I need to regain my health and feel comfortable in my own skin again. Feel free to add me as a friend I can use the motivation as well.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    ". I was diagnosed with an underactive Thyroid in my mid 20s and weight has been a struggle since."

    Same. Though a couple decades older and another 100 pounds more. I had total ovarian failure...became 'sterile' though was never in my plans to have kids, so not a huge loss, except the loss of my metabolism. Also same:

    "I need to regain my health and feel comfortable in my own skin again. Feel free to add me as a friend I can use the motivation as well."

    We are on our way, and 2023 will be a strong year for change. Friended.
  • LilLillyPad
    LilLillyPad Posts: 2 Member
    New to MFP, pushing 60 with almost 150 pounds of excess tagging along. Unfortunately a car accident a decade ago greatly limits my physical activities. Add to that, the gradual slowing of metabolism with age and things are very difficult for me.

    I welcome motivational friends and accountability pals moving forward in this journey to improve my health and remaining mobility. So I can easily relate to your situation.
