How do I get rid of belly fat and love handles?

I have tried everything that can think of to get rid of this stubborn layer of fat...nothing works. It's so frustrating, because although I've lost 35 lbs my clothes still fit me weird. Helpppp!!!!:brokenheart:


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just keep loosing fat. You can't spot reduce. You will get there in time!
  • theradiantbride
    Unfortunately, there isn't any way to spot reduce fat. :/

    As you lose weight, your body is losing fat all over. Certain people lose fat faster in some places than others, but there isn't really anything you can do about it except to continue to lose weight.
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    just have to diet and excercise. I swear that was the last two things to go on me. and when the love handles stomach looked even bigger lol! I thought to myself why was I in a rush to lose them when I looked fatter after losing them lol!
  • teponey
    teponey Posts: 10 Member
    just keep on doing what you are doing, eat well & exercise. it does shrink eventually. Ive found my 'spare tyre' is now a 'bike tyre' & not such a 'tractor tyre' LOL. So it does slowly deflate over time.
  • valex0803
    valex0803 Posts: 8 Member
    At the end of your workouts everyother day, you should do abs. Try and switch up the routine with them, Ive found previously that this works better. For instance one day do weighted ab work and the next just do your basic crunches, situps, and bicycles. Also do tons of cardio because it helps to burn off the belly fat. Also remember to time yourself to make it a cardio workout. For instance do it in one minute intervals. Its really works.
  • dclassi1
    Thank you, I'm currently doing Zumba, Just Dance, Walk/Jog, and Body Pump. I've noticed a huge difference with everything except my core. I will try to work in more core exercises.
  • Iam_ooky
    try yoga or pilates..... you may need to focus on strengthing the muscles in your core area to see results... and i may be your digestive track.... try more fiber and leafy greens in your diet
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    At the end of your workouts everyother day, you should do abs. Try and switch up the routine with them, Ive found previously that this works better. For instance one day do weighted ab work and the next just do your basic crunches, situps, and bicycles. Also do tons of cardio because it helps to burn off the belly fat.

    I'm sorry, and I don't mean to make you feel put on the spot...but this is completely inaccurate.

    First, ab work...while important for core strength, often makes your belly fat appear to grow, rather than shrink.

    Second, cardio doesn't burn belly fat...nothing specifically burns belly fat. If anything, cardio can help to increase it in many circumstances. Read this:

    And also, read the parent article that spawned the discussion:

    My suggestion, and I know you're not going to believe heavy strength training. I PROMISE you you won't bulk up like a man (or even close), and strength training promotes FAT loss, not WEIGHT loss (which is what cardio does, by burning both fat, and muscle).

    Also remember to time yourself to make it a cardio workout. For instance do it in one minute intervals. Its really works.

    This, is good advice, although I prefer shorter periods of max effort, with even shorter rest periods in between (search 'Tabata' for an excellent example). If you're going to do cardio for fat loss, this is the only truly effective method, both in my personal experience, and in my research.
    Thank you, I'm currently doing Zumba, Just Dance, Walk/Jog, and Body Pump. I've noticed a huge difference with everything except my core. I will try to work in more core exercises.

    Please, do not work in more core exercises. Honestly, if you're trying to spot reduce your belly and sides, do more leg work (heavy lifting!!). Leg work activates FAR more muscles than simple core work does (including...yep, your core), burning more overall calories, as well as utilizing more overall caloric expenditure in repair. This is outside the benifits of the heavy lifting alone.
  • valex0803
    valex0803 Posts: 8 Member
    I have a degree in this stuff and studies have shown that ab workouts actually shrink your core and tighten it up. Believe it or not cardio also helps to shrink the core. Of course its not going to spot reduce it, but it helps tremendously. Circuit training is the best for the core thats I suggested the 1 minute intervals. With the stomach muscles intervals will not bulk only tone and tighten the core. And everyother day is best because it gives your abs and obliques a chance to recover.
  • dclassi1
    I have been eating more salads than ever and fruit, but I do believe you're right about my digestive track. I could try some fiber-all. Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • sherrielmurry
    sherrielmurry Posts: 3 Member
    I have stubborn belly fat, too. I have also tried zumba dance, turbo jam, kickboxing, etc. NOTHING seems to bulge this stubborn belly fat. So, I lovingly call it "prosperity" and continue in my quest to shrink it. I have noticed continual diet and exercise shrinks it ever so slightly. So, with the help of this website and others, I plan to stick to a proper diet and exercise. And, one day, maybe this stubborn belly fat will become the 6-pack that I have dreamed of.

    So, be encouraged! And, know that you are not alone. :happy:
  • CynthiaLaurenti
    I guess I'm just lucky I lose it there first LOL I just cant seem to shrink my bubble butt LOL My belly fat and back fat starts to disappear first :) Maybe because I do a lot of core workouts and HIIT Training with turbo fire?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I have a degree in this stuff and studies have shown that ab workouts actually shrink your core and tighten it up. Believe it or not cardio also helps to shrink the core. Of course its not going to spot reduce it, but it helps tremendously. Circuit training is the best for the core thats I suggested the 1 minute intervals. With the stomach muscles intervals will not bulk only tone and tighten the core. And everyother day is best because it gives your abs and obliques a chance to recover.

    For the record, I agree completely on the intervals.

    On the rest...studies show lots and lots of things, on both sides of the fence. If you read the article I posted, there's lots of studies listed there too, that illustrate the uselessness of traditional cardio for burning fat. I was also speaking from my own, and others experience.

    I don't want you to think I have no respect for your degree, but as I've stated in the past...knowledge is only as good as the source you learned it from. Every engineer involved in designing the jobs I build every day have all kinds of degrees too, and yet, there's not one set of prints that comes into my hands I don't have to revise in 72 different ways to make it actually buildable.
  • elsg
    elsg Posts: 21
    I dont know how accurate this info is, but I read somewhere that there are certain foods that help you burn fat too, eg avocado, capsicum, nuts etc. They are high in calories though too, so you cant win!!! ;)

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