Newly engaged bride ready to lose weight!!!

Hello! I just recently got engaged and ready to start losing weight for the wedding. I want to lose around 20-25 pounds...anyone have any suggestions or anything that could help me out?


  • Musicgrl4life

    congrats on your engagement!! Exercise and watching your calorie intake is the best way. Portion size is key and sticking to healthier food.

    Good luck to you getting to your goal weight :smile:
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I think the support network on here is a great tool for weightloss! Doing it alone can be one of the toughest things.

    I am also recently engaged and trying to lose weight for my wedding! You can add me if you'd like :)
  • Jamazurunner
    A HUGE congrats on your engagement! I just got engaged too and I am hoping to shape up too!

    Feel free to add me, I can't wait to support you!

  • DK33
    DK33 Posts: 11 Member
    When I got engaged I got some email from one of the wedding sites I ordered bridalicious boot camp DVDs no joke they helped and I changed my eating habits And started exercising congrats on ur engagement n good luck :0)
  • alaliberte
    Congratulations! You made the right move by coming here MFP is supportive and raises awareness on what you are putting into your body! If you want to friend me, I will give as much encouragement as I can. Good luck! :)
  • kncassidy
    Congrats! You have so much fun to look forward to! I wish I would have found this site when I was engaged and trying to lose weight for my wedding! I just started MFP so instead of being a skinny bride.. i'll become a skinny wife! :) haha
  • harajuku_lu
    Hi! Congrats on your engagement and welcome to MFP! I have also just recently joined and am aiming for around the same weight loss as you. I am hoping to lose 24lb before my wedding in October 2012. I am also hoping to change my lifestyle but I'm taking it one day at a time :) Good luck to you xx
  • Just think of the wedding dress. Take a picture now in one at the store. Just the THOUGHT of seeing me like that in my wedding pictures for the rest of my life got me in GEAR!
  • Officersbride2b
    Congrats pretty ladies on your upcoming weddings!!! :) Im getting married on October 6th, 2012 to the love of my life!!!! I am so excited to see other brides to be out there, I def need a bridal buddy! +++++ Me :heart:
  • Girlatrockshow
    Girlatrockshow Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats Lady!!! Exciting isn't it? Well keep yourself motivated because Oct 6 will come fast I am sure. I am in the same boat (with a few more months till the big day) so if you need a buddy, add me and I will be pushing you each day! Whoot Whoot for BRIDES TO BE!!!
