
Do any of you suffer from diverticulitis and if so, what does your diet consist of? How do you keep from getting inflammation?


  • ThickNThunda
    ThickNThunda Posts: 71 Member
  • Mom23djd
    Mom23djd Posts: 38 Member
    My husband had an episode not too long ago. It was the first time, and we had no idea what it was until he went in. He says his miracle food is raw spinach. Mostly I think a diet high in fiber is key.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    doctors say my mom has this...she is to avoid corn, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, popcorn and a few other things along those lines. her seems to be related to stress also, altho the doc isn't so sure. knock on wood, she has been pretty good lately.

    good luck.
  • beccacarlton
    beccacarlton Posts: 21 Member
    Hubby has is and avoids anything with seeds....no corn, popcorn, peppers, tomatoes, rotel, nuts, etc. It makes cooking difficult! Fried foods and stress seem to be an issue for him.
  • vburke003
    vburke003 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I was recently diagnosed (2/2022) and am an acute case with smoldering diverticulitis or repeat occurrences. I’ve had 2 perforations and been hospitalized 3x with 4 ER visits in about 9 months. I’ve been happy and healthy most of my life. I am not obese. I eat fiber. I have a high stress job.