am i the only one ?

leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
off and on, i notice that i crave certain foods i would never have even considered eating before i started my weight loss journey, and i want to know if anyone else has had this happen..i have really been wanting to make stuffed peppers. there have been a few more i can't seem to think of at this very moment, but just now, i was looking thru some low sodium cookbooks from the library, and i found a recipe for fried green tomatoes, and i salivated all over myself:blushing: well, almost..i have tried them before, and never wanted to try them again, but now i really want some..i want to know if yall have had this happen, and what it is that you have that hankering for


  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    Chocolate chip coooookies I normaly never eat these but lately yummm
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    zucchini.. i never disliked it but now i eat it ALL THE TIME. cut up and sauteed, raw, baked yummy!
  • Chezza021
    Chezza021 Posts: 28 Member

    I never use to eat any nuts (infact when I was pregnant I had an allergy) BUT since starting this it appears I can't get enough of them..... almonds, walnuts I am afraid to buy others am concerned that that will be ALL I eat!!
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    Celery. I used to hate celery and everything about it...but now I find that I crave it. And artichokes too.
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    i want salt, salt, salt ! ugh
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    ok so I've never been a cucumber fan, but since I've been eating better and fresher things I've been craving them. :noway:
  • Hummus.. Before I started this I never thought I would like it, but now I eat it everyday.. I crave it when I am at school!! :)
  • My craving was brocclii...I never ate it growing up, but a few months back, I ate it almost everyday for a month straight...Now I am in a lull I guess, I havent really had it in a while :)
  • NicoleMensigg
    NicoleMensigg Posts: 40 Member
    Dt. Dr. Pepper!!! I want it ALLLLLLLL the time! As for foods in particular-not really. I'm also doing a study called Setting Captives Free--The Lords Table & it talks about those "cravings" and for some reason it's hitting me that most of my cravings are related to something that I'm learning to deal with my emotions in a healthy way I don't really know what foods I like. Although last night & Monday night...if I seen a cow, I might have just begged someone to make it into a steak for me! So's Dr. Dr. Pepper and Steak! Sounds like a good meal to me! :bigsmile:
  • sgha
    sgha Posts: 225
    yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm - hummus. I'm with you, vludio150.
  • It seems as if the healthier I eat, the more my body craves those foods. Having started my Journey a year ago...I now crave the fresh
    fruits and Veggies which is a good thing. It gets easier to ignore the bad carbs and reach for healthier choices. I get amazed that I eat these things when I never use to. :smile:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    thanks for all the replies yall...i am a fan ( and always have been since i was a kid ) of fruits and veggies..some of this stuff sounds super awesome..the only thing i haven't tried was the hummus..i will try it if offered, but i don't think i would buy it first:wink:
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I never ate broccoli EVER until about two hours after my 2nd child was born. I hemorraged and lost a lot of blood. I craved broccoli and have eaten it cooked and raw every week since then. Broccoli is high in iron and after the blood loss my body told me that I needed it. Listen when you are hungry for healthy things. Your body is probably craving a nutrient.:happy:
    To those craving choc chip cookies salt etc. That is not a craving that is lust and we all know nothing good comes from lusting after that which we should not have. Be strong.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Edamame ! Love it ! Crave it ... Eat it everyday ! ♥