Need Motivation to loose 91 lbs

Smilee3233 Posts: 108 Member
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
I just started here 12 days ago. I have been working hard to eat healthy and work out and I have lost 3 lbs so far. I have been overweight all of my adult life and it is on my mind every day how I want to be a healthy size, but why can't I just do it? I need to loose about 90 lbs. I don't know how to motivate myself.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome!! You can do it!!
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member

    the support and motivation from the people here on MFP is awesome!!!
  • I've lost 93~ You can do it. Only took 1 year to do the first 90. Be persistant and consistant! Change things up and keep challenging yourself. Don't hold back!

    Good luck!
  • I feel you, I don't know why I can't kick myself into motivation. I'm bigger thern I was 10 years ago when I gave birth at 225. I hate it. I know alot of it is emotional eating but I keep praying and waiting for the morning I wake up and it just happens, that I will get up and exercise and eat right. Well I'm sorry but I don't think I helped motivate you, but you know you're not alone. :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    You need to have a "reason" to do it.... My reasons were/are:

    1. for ME
    2. My family

    I am now maintaining, and loving life 91 pounds lighter! :) You CAN do it! No it won't fall off over night, you didn't gain it over night.
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    This site is great. It is definitely hard to motivate yourself. I have been wanting to lose baby weight for the last 3 years. I have started several diets, but never kept at it for more than a week. I am 10 days here. I have lost 9 pounds now. The thing that keeps me motivated here is to balance my nutrition with my calorie intake. I almost always find out how many calories are in a serving prior to eating it. Many times it keeps me from eating it. My challenges right now are flipping my carb intake with my protein intake. Good luck and stay on here. It is a great support system!
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    No solid advice for you. For me, one day it just clicked and I realized I was holding myself back. I didn't want to do that anymore. Try catching yourself when you make an excuse not to exercise or justifying poor/excessive eating, and try to turn those excuses around. Realize that everytime you make an excuse, you are making the decision to hold your health and your progress back. I would also set little goals that mean something to you. Being able to reach those goals make you feel a lot more capable of reaching the next.

    Also remember that it is completely possible to do this. Look around this site for inspiration, look at all the success other people have accomplished. There is no reason why it can't happen for you too (I'm just starting to really believe this for myself). Use other people on here for motivation, it helps when you know you are not going through this alone. I'm sending a friend request your way now :)
  • You need to have a "reason" to do it.... My reasons were/are:

    1. for ME
    2. My family

    I am now maintaining, and loving life 91 pounds lighter! :) You CAN do it! No it won't fall off over night, you didn't gain it over night.

    You are so right! My reason was because I wanted to be around for my children when they got married and not let them go through that day alone like I did!
  • Mckellin
    Mckellin Posts: 1 Member
    It is something that is going to be on your mind every day. Most people I know are constantly figuring out how to be healthier or lose weight. So just think you are now in the norm. The people that are really fit and healthy eaters well they put a lot of time thinking about it; but, in a different way. It is just the way they think. What am I going to eat for the week? When do I have time to workout? Do I have any parties, holidays, or meals out I need to think about? Make a plan for the week. I take my dog for longer walks more frequently now. I figure out what I am eating at a restaurant before I go. Easy to do with the internet. You have to realize that to be healthy is to plan and to think about it. Just take a deep breathe and make a weekly plan. Then take that one week day by day. You can do it. People do it so it is not impossible. It took time to put weight on and to keep it on, so it will take time to take it off. I actually think it takes no thinking time at all to put on weight...sometimes it just appears. It certainly takes time to take it off and keep it off though. You just took off 3 pounds!!! You didn't put on 3 pounds so be happy!! You are headed in the right direction now. :) You can do by day. Do a little dance you lost 3 pounds!!!

  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    You can do this. Try posting motivating notes around the house on mirrors, inside of cabinets, inside your fridge - anywhere you glance throughout the day. Something like "I need to be a roll model for my kids", and "today is a new day" and "I have the power to make the choices to transform myself" and "one day at a time". Basically, your notes can be whatever they need to be to motivate YOU. Some people like to post pictures, but that doesn't personally work for me.
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    besides having a reason to do it...break it up!!! Don't think of 91 lbs to loose...give yourself smaller chunks and go from there...91 lbs seems like a ton but you can do it! :)

    my overall goal was to lose 189 I am under 150lbs to go...but I look at it in first was to get under baby weight that was only 7 lbs then to get under weight at marriage...and now is to get under 300...and then I will break it into 25 lb increments isn't so daunting then!
  • kcwonder
    kcwonder Posts: 57 Member
    Everyone has a way to motivate themselves. I just got tired of feeling sluggish and wondering what happened over the years. I think the website is helpful since it tracks all of my good and bad days.

    The lifestyle change isn't easy, but nothing in life comes easy when I think about it. So I just say what the hell, at least if I change my lifestyle, it's for my benefit. No one else gets anything from me except for the gym that charges me a monthly fee.

    F**k McDonald's, Taco Bell, Wendy's and all the other businesses that keep increasing prices for sh*tty food and making me more unhealthy.
  • Geodani
    Geodani Posts: 6 Member
    Just motivate yourself day at a time :o) And if you hit a day that turns out not so great; just decide tomorrow will be a better one and forgive yourself for it! Good Luck! Nice to meet ya!
  • Welcome! You have to find a reason why YOU want to lose the weight, and remember that. You can't do it for other people. It has to be for you or you will either burn out or gain back what you lose. Find that internal motivation, that little reason inside you that you want to change. Also, set mini goals for yourself. Looking at losing 90+ lbs can be extremely overwhelming and seeing only a couple pounds peel off each week can be discouraging. Set targets not just for weight lost per month, but also for making lifestyle - diet and exercise - changes. For instance, challenge yourself to increase your activity with something as simple as walking three times per week for half an hour. Do it for a month and then set a new challenge. This builds little habits slowly and you'll be motivated by the little successes along the way! Thirdly, engage your friends and family as your support group. Let them know that you are looking to make some changes and ask them to be supportive of you and encouraging to you as you travel this journey. It helps if those around you are on board and supportive. They will also be great sources of accountability when you have days where you struggle. Finally, come here and post when you succeed and when you have hard days. This community can uplift you, too.
  • kristie_cla
    kristie_cla Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Smilee,
    I too have problems with motivation. One thing that I've found helpful is to make a list of my reasons to lose and keep it handy to review when I'm having motivational dysfunction (which I have often). :o) Plus, my MFP friends give lots of encouragement! Keep your chin up, chicky!
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Hi please add me! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Smilee3233
    Smilee3233 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you so much for all the idea's and encouragement, this is definately new for me, and so much appreciated. I don't have family or friends who need to loose weight so I have been on my own so far, this feels better.
  • I'm in the same boat. i need to lose about 100 tho. its hard, thought Id get this app to help:)
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