My name is Vickie

I'm struggeling with emotional compulsive overeating. I really want to lose 20 lbs by december 17th.please help me stay motivated


  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    20 pounds in 4 weeks seems a bit excessive
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,588 Member
    20 pounds in that time frame is extemely ambitious and doesn't sound like a healthy deficit being held. Have you spoken with your doctor about that timeline?

    I would assume a healthier choice would be a 5 to 10 lb loss given that is only 4 weeks. Even 10 is pushing it a lot.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    edited November 2022
    Losing 20 pounds in 4 weeks would require a person to eat approximately 2500 fewer calories each day, on average, below the number of calories that person burns from everything they do: Breathing and heartbeat, job and home activities, intentional exercise.

    Most women probably burn something in the range of upper thousands (1500+) to 2000s, depending on their size, age, and habits. A few burn 3000+, but it's relatively uncommon among women.

    So, let's say you're rare, burn around 3000 calories daily. That means that for the next 4 weeks, you'd be eating the equivalent of approximately one peanut butter sandwich on hearty bread, and maybe a small piece of fruit. Tops. That's it, all day. And that's if you burn more calories than most women. Otherwise, if more average . . . less food than that, while keeping up your current life routine of job, chores, exercise.

    Does that really sound like a good plan?

    I can't in good conscience encourage any such thing, to "motivate" you. Extreme diets are more likely to worsen your binge eating via deprivation and fatigue, not help you turn a corner and put those things behind you. On top of that, that kind of approach is likely to result in less weight loss in 4 weeks (because of the binges) than if you worked on finding a sensibly moderate weight loss rate that keeps your energy level up, and leaves you feeling physically satiated most of the time, so that you can keep going, losing in a steadier way. That's not even getting into the impact to your health of ultra fast weight loss . . . which is likely to be high risk health-wise.

    Please reconsider your goal, and your path to reach it. I would love to see you succeed, while staying healthy in the process. Please.
  • peggyskincare
    peggyskincare Posts: 2 Member
    What's happening on Dec 17th? A special event?