Fiber and Carbs

I saw my dietician today and he told me something interesting. Actually, it made me feel a little on the dumb side because this is apparently well know.

Did anyone else know that when counting carbs, you can subtract the fiber from that?

For example, I eat 100g of carbs a day, and I have been going over about 5-25g a day. He told me that if I ate 110g of carbs and 15g of it was fiber, I actually only took in 95g carbs. I was super excited. I also thought it was funny because I never go over my sugar count.

Now for a second Q. Does anyone else agree with what my dietician stated?


  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    yes, its referred to as your NET Carbs
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I've heard it but I track carbs and I track fiber "as if it was something else" it's its own column. I still try to keep my total carbs (including fiber) at or under my daily goal.
  • trouthunterz
    Ive heard as well that for every gram of fiber consumed you delete one gram of carbs. I heard this from a friend though not a professional
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    fiber slows the digestion of carbs ( which turn into sugar) so your blood sugar does not spike as much. it is called the net effective carbs. I saw a nutritionist today as well and she said it was only half a gram instead of a gram which I have never heard before.
  • xalligator
    xalligator Posts: 33 Member
    Fiber is just a carb that the body doesn't process, and it provides bulk to slow the digestion of other carbs. But eating fiber doesn't mean you get to delete non-fiber carbs.

    It all stems from the US' Nutrition Facts. In the US, fiber is not automatically subtracted from total carbohydrates in our food labels. In other countries, it is. That's where you get people saying to subtract carbs and etc.