McDonalds Issue



  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    congratulations OP you started a thread of hate and anger.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    congratulations OP you started a thread of hate and anger.

    im not angry im drunk lol:drinker:
  • GrandmaJody
    GrandmaJody Posts: 140 Member
    You were nicer than I would have been...she should have dropped the subject after you told her you didn't eat there. She was totally out of line saying she takes her kids there in front of your son.

    Kuddos to you for building strong eating habits when your kids are young!

    Agree with poster above...I am personally not apposed to going Mc D now and then, but that is my choice, and I totally agree with you about it not being healthy, but the Nurse was wrong to say anything in front of your son....
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    congratulations OP you started a thread of hate and anger.

    im not angry im drunk lol:drinker:

    and humor the drunk people*

    Wait... why are we not bashing on the drunk people for drinking. Alcohol has calories! The horror! *giggles*
  • Mikesrobin
    Mikesrobin Posts: 44 Member
    This is a touchy subject for alot of people. Let me tell you she was probably trying to justify taking her children to MD's and tried to make is sound better. It is not your responsiblilty to make her feel better about her choices. So don't feel bad about what you said you are aloud state how you feel at the doctors.

    Now I have another story up until about 2 months ago I ate a McDonalds a lot probably twice a week. I was looking for something to watch on TV one night and the movie SUPERSIZE ME was playing so I continued to watch it. After that I told my husband that I was swearing off McDonalds and all fast food for a month. Now it has been two months. I am not sure if I will ever go back to eating there. But it is my choice and if a nurse tried to convince me I was OK to eat at McDonalds I would ask her if she had ever seen that movie. LOL.

    BTW my youngest son is turning 18 in a month and I don't think he has ever eaten a whole meal there he hates it. We use to go alot when my kids were younger (play-place you got to love it) but he would take a bite and spit it out. Maybe I should have follow his diet from the beginning I might be better off now.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    To each their own. But the stronger parent will say no because it's not just the food there that is bad, it's the whole advertising and marketing and subliminal messages that places like that send to children in particular.

    they have the toys, a treat for kids, something to make them want to go back because they get a toy
    then once they are hooked either on the toys or the chips or the cool playgrounds, they will want to go back there
    and throw in a few of the cool birthday parties there
    deep in their minds, it's designed to be a comfort place, a place of fun
    so when they get to 20, they automatically want to go there, even though they don't really even like the taste of the food or the toys or the playgrounds anymore, but for some strange reason, everytime they drive past, they feel like going in....

    oh, and she is a nurse, she can take her kids there, fine, and it is ok occasionally, but as a medical professional, you don't suggest that it's ok, you say "fantastic job of bringing up your kids if you can keep them out of those junk food joints for as long as possible".
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    What does everyone think about Burger King?

    I like the Grimace better.

    And McDonald's french fries can't be beat. Best in the world.

    I changed my avatar just for you. :flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    hmmm...seems like many have read Fast Food Nation. Then again, by Schlosser's own account, "the enormous buying power of the fast food giants has given them access to the some of the cleanest ground beef." So maybe not.

    I wonder if parents really protect their children by encouraging them to imagine the food at McDonald's as akin to crack cocaine. In experiments at Penn State University, youngsters were fed large lunches and then offered junk food. Some ate a great deal of the junk food even though they were already full, while others ate almost none. What predicted how much junk food they consumed? Whether their parents forbid those high-fat, high-sugar foods in their regular diet. These studies and several others find that when children are told that a food is bad for them, they assume it must taste good, and they develop an appetite for it.
    Ding ding. If a child had enough money for lunch to eat at McDonald's with their friends, they would do it and lie to their parents that they ate the school lunch. How do I know? Because I did it. We ate practically every meal at home with the exception of school lunches. My parents never said McDonald's was bad, but they always told us "no" when we asked to eat there.
  • WOW - what a post!! A lot of you have said most of what I thought while reading the original post, but here's another view. First off McDonalds or not, is your choice as a parent, no question.

    As an occasional babysitter of your child......I am doing you a favor (your not paying me) and I must feed your child "on the road". When I suggest McDonalds (Burger King, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen, it's all the same) and your child responds with EWWW _____ is gross!!! Sorry, you have taught your child to respond Inappropriately. Been there, heard that, not good!

    It was an uncomfortable situation for both you and the nurse. Use it as an opportunity to teach your child to respond more politely. Teach your child to make good choices within those establishments , they will not always be able to avoid them.

    As some have pointed out, your child can choose grilled chicken, salad, milk, fruit.....there are choices other than hamburger and FF. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater! That dates me huh?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    What does everyone think about Burger King?
    My second choice would be Carl's Jr. Western Bacon cheeseburger. Of course I have to do an hour of cardio before hand.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Am i missing something with Supersize Me?

    The guy ate McDonalds, three times a day, every day, eating far more than he should.

    That is NOT the same thing as eating a sensible amount say once a week! Are people so blind they thought that is what would happen if you eat McDonalds even once, or in moderation?

    It WASNT the food that was doing it. It was the AMOUNT!

    ..why can't people understand that? facedesk.gif

    *mind boggled*
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Personally i think teaching children about all food in moderation is far more important than just banning things outright which if eaten in moderation is perfectly fine! You'll just confuse them if/when they find out what you called "evil", "crap" etc is actually ok in moderation!
    This. Banning something doesn't go over well with kids as they get older.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member

    Food Inc. The next best thing since super size me.
    Actually I liked FATHEAD better.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I eat McDonald's about once a week, sometimes more. I worked there for 5 years though high school AND college. You can get a hamburger, a side salad, and an ice cream cone for less than 500 calories. Protein, fiber, vitamins, dairy, and yum. I also get their Egg McMuffins. And sometimes even have french fries.
    And you still look hot!
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member

    Food Inc. The next best thing since super size me.
    Actually I liked FATHEAD better.

    I have not had the pleasure of watching fathead. Is it on netflix?
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    What does everyone think about Burger King?

    I like the Grimace better.

    And McDonald's french fries can't be beat. Best in the world.

    I changed my avatar just for you. :flowerforyou:

    I love you!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    congratulations OP you started a thread of hate and anger.

    im not angry im drunk lol:drinker:

    and humor the drunk people*

    Wait... why are we not bashing on the drunk people for drinking. Alcohol has calories! The horror! *giggles*

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What does everyone think about Burger King?
    My second choice would be Carl's Jr. Western Bacon cheeseburger. Of course I have to do an hour of cardio before hand.

    aren't you on the west coast? no love for In and Out!?
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    What does everyone think about Burger King?
    My second choice would be Carl's Jr. Western Bacon cheeseburger. Of course I have to do an hour of cardio before hand.

    aren't you on the west coast? no love for In and Out!?

    The In and out in my town is no better than most fast food hamburgers and I used to think everyone who loved it was crazy. Then I went to in and out in Fresno and I can't wait to go back. I guess some things really are better in big cities.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I eat mc donalds or some kind of fast food 1 to 2 times a week ,in fact im eating a double cheeseburger right now my son was nice enough to bring me lol ive lost 62 pounds and i am healthier than i have been in 20 years.

    i also drink but not much
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