Vegan diet !!

babemali Posts: 12
Hello everyone!! okay, im starting a vegan diet plan on october 1st, with my husband :)
we are gonna do it to see how it goes and maybee if it makes us feel better we will stay vegans hehe
im looking for a vegan shopping list :happy:

if any of you did this before was it helpful ?

and if you wanna join me you are more than welcome !


  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 328 Member
    I am not vegan but my husband is some of our staples are canned beans, ie chick peas four bean mix etc. Lots of frozen vegetables, tinned tomatoes, lots of fruit, onions, sweet potato's, baked beans. Alot of it is fresh foods.

    If your looking for reciepe's check on the link on my signature.
  • docsharp
    docsharp Posts: 32 Member
    Congrats on going vegan, that is wonderful. I wish I had a shopping list for you, but I do not, I am in the process of creating one but it is not done yet. Feel free to friend me as I am vegan and completely went vegan in June.
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    Hi, I'm vegan and I love it. I can eat so much more food. I've lost 30 pounds without having to count calories at all because I'm eating so much more healthfully.

    I don't know what you like, so I'm not sure I can offer much in the way of a shopping list. I know I personally can't live without dried beans, canned tomatoes, celery, carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic, and spices.
  • Try some quiona and polenta, rice, fruits and veggies (frozen and fresh), tofu! (i love it with bbq sauce). i'm not vegan, but those are things i would get if i was thinking about shopping vegan.
  • quelquun
    quelquun Posts: 42 Member
    Hey there.

    I went vegetarian and then did a short period of eating vegan last year... I'm not either anymore (I've fallen victim to evil, additive cheese, mainly, and the occasionally side of meat, oops).

    I would highly recommend The Vegan Table by Colleen Patrick Goudreau and/or 30 day Vegan challenge, to get you started on some really yummy vegan recipes (check out her out at Also, my friend in NJ is a holistic health counselor, and she is a really great resource as well if you have questions about a plant-based diet (

    Good luck!!!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    My husband and I did this starting June 12, 2011. And he was an avid carnivore. We are so happy about all the unexpected positive changes, that we don't intend to go back. It was a LOT of work at first and we ate way too many meat and cheese substitutes, but once we gained more experience, we realized that it didn't have to be complicated and that most of the foods can be obtained from the local grocery store.

    So far, all our blood levels (cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, etc) have dropped significantly. My husband no longer needs his heart medications for blood pressure or cholesterol. Our aches and pains have gone. We have more energy. His acid reflux and hemorrhoids went away as well as my seasonal allergies (after over a decade). We really didn't expect this many improvements. Sometimes you don't even know you are sick until you start feeling better. My husband and I each lost about 30 pounds since the change in diet.

    I highly recommend the movie "Forks Over Knives" (available on Netflix) and the book, "The China Study". Message me if you have any questions.
  • mkupartist
    mkupartist Posts: 79 Member
    Black beans (canned)
    Lots of fresh fruits and veggies
    Cous cous
    Steel cut oats

    Just a few ideas... Hope it helps!
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    I was a vegan for two years but gave it up because I really LOVE meat. I never got over craving it and each day felt like i was being deprived.

    That being said, I couldn't get by without vegetable stock. It can be bought right next to the beef and chicken stocks in most groceries.( Cook barley in this and it is like beef and barley soup) Also, white gravy mixes that don't contain milk. Although, you can make it at home, it is really quick to add water to a mix when pinched for time.

    Oh, yeah, Bacos with vegan mayo on toast with lettuce and tomato. OMG great mock BLT! (Bacos are made with soy)

    Watch out for meat replacements. They almost always have egg in them. I think Gardenburger has a vegan option.

    TVP is a good one to keep on hand. (Great for homemade vegan chili)

    An assortment of grains so you dont get bored and lots of canned beans cause they heat up quick.

    Lots of fresh stuff and soy or nut milks can help with recipes calling for cream.

    Even though I eat animal products now, I still use some of my old vegan recipes.

    Hope this helps.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Go to the ... she always has really great recipes, and I think she provides nutritional info on all of them, which is INCREDIBLY helpful!

  • Please try and get the Book Eat Right. Live longer by Dr. Neal Barnard, M.D. Not only does it have Recipes... It also has the SCIENCE you need to understand the lifestyle!! Been Vegetarian since '96 and Vegan Since 2001. If you can't get that book any book by Brenda Davis (Becoming Vegetarian and Becoming Vegan) also books with the Science to help you understand that this is a Healthy way to eat and Live! Congrats on trying what so many think is a scary/unhealthy/unnatural life style yet forget that 20% of the world NEVER eats meats or Dairy and has been this way for hundreds of years!! (and Incidentally are Way healthier than the SAD eaters (Standard American Diet) ) OH should add that this is my Boyfriend's page and he is overweight.. I is not!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    Oops! I completely ignored your question. Must have foods (exclude the ones you don't like) are veggies (especially kale for nutrients), fruit, nuts (especially cashews for recipes-it makes a great parmesan substitute), bags of beans and brown rice, whole wheat pastas, potatoes, corn (don't be afraid of starches, they are low cal), salad fixings, fat-free salad dressing (my favorites are by Maple Grove Farms), nutritional yeast (another cheesy substitute, but healthy), quinoa, oatmeal, salsa (I put it on everything), tamari (a type of soy sauce), lots of canned beans and tomato products, Muir Glenn pasta sauce (low fat and sugar), whole wheat and corn tortillas, whole wheat vegan pizza crusts, frozen vegetables (stockpile) and hash browns, and any other low-fat whole grain product.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    Go to the ... she always has really great recipes, and I think she provides nutritional info on all of them, which is INCREDIBLY helpful!


    I ditto this recommendation. These are some of the best recipes I have found.
  • Thanks everyone! now im 100% convinced that im going vegan 30 day challenge heehe,
    i hope you dont mind if i send some friend requests i need vegan friends :D
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I am not vegan, but my son is. Since he moved in I'm been incorporating some vegan meals into the weekly menu. Shopping list ideas given (beans, lentils, nuts, quinoa, noodles (not enriched), rice, lots of fruit & veggies) are great. Tofu is very versatile and will take on the flavor of whatever you put it in, I prefer the extra firm has a better texture. I'm not a big fan of soymilk or coconut milk, I prefer almond milk. Most vegans do not eat honey or any processed sugar so raw sugars & maple syrup for sweetners. No jello (made with hooves of various animals). I've gotten better at reading labels to make sure what I buy he can eat. I haven't gone vegan but eat ALOT less meat, eggs, and cheese since he's moved in. I do have to admit I feel better!

    Good luck.
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    I am in love with the crazy sexy diet book right now. For me I live on a lot of the same things before, I love ethnic food, tacos, big salads of all varities, soups, spaghetti, stir fries.. big veggie sanwhiches. I think in the beginning just stick with what you know you like, and just make it with out meat/dairy. :)
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    I would invest in some vegan cookbooks:
    Appetite for Reduction
    30 Day Diabetes miracle cookbook (even if you don't have diabetes lol.)
    A raw food cookbook is nice, too (I just bought Thrive Foods)
    The Joy of Vegan Baking
    And, I highly recommend a Vegetarian Times subscription
    There are more, but I haven't had a chance to look at them.

    My pantry usually has:
    blackstrap molasses
    frozen veggies for quick stir fries
    buckwheat (soba) noodles for stir fries
    brown and wild rice - for burritos, stir fries, curried lentils or rice and beans
    beans and lentils
    salsa and tortillas for burritos
    onion and garlic (seriously, I almost always need these)
    bananas and frozen fruit for smoothies
    kale - this is such an important food. Make kale chips, sautee with lemon. the 30 day diabetes cookbook has the best kale salad recipe in the history of mankind.
    whole wheat white flour
    guacamole because my daughters love this
    So delicious coconut yogurt
    Van's waffles (for the kids)
    fresh fruit
    frozen veggies (peas, asparagus) for sides
    almond/hemp/soy/other milk, all varieties
    pasta - try whole wheat or gluten-free varieties. I try to minimize refined pasta.
    Daiya vegan cheese for homemade lasagna or pizza
    tofurkey italian sausage or that grain-based kind that's expensive but one of those quick go-to things on a busy night (good with pizza, pasta)
    Trader Joe's frozen meals - vegetable gyoza, etc.
    so delicious vegan ice cream
    trail mix, raw nuts
    chia seed - great for smoothies
    hemp seed - ditto
    almond butter
    ezekiel sprouted grain bread and Trader Joe's quinoa bread
    nutritional yeast flakes

    I would never survive as a vegan if I didn't learn how to cook. There are some great blogs now, the Little House of Veggies, Fat Free Vegan Kitchen, Post Punk Kitchen which can inspire me on my lazy days. Have fun with it!
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    By the way... EnerG egg replacer is commonly called for in vegan baked goods recipes. I find that I can replace it in most recipes with a certain amount of applesauce and ground flaxseed/water combo. Sounds crazy but it works!
  • Hi ! I'm pretty much vegan except for dairy and fish. My grocery list consist of dried legumes (i.e. pinto beans, black beans, lentils, great northern beans, black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans, chickpeas, etc.), fresh produce (all types of veges and fruit), frozen produce as well, brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat pastas, vegetarian products (Gardein or Amy's products - I'm very selective), etc. You can have a full balanced vegan diet and enjoy it and be satisfied. I hope it works out for you.:wink:
  • Hi ! I'm pretty much vegan except for dairy and fish. My grocery list consist of dried legumes (i.e. pinto beans, black beans, lentils, great northern beans, black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans, chickpeas, etc.), fresh produce (all types of veges and fruit), frozen produce as well, brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat pastas, vegetarian products (Gardein or Amy's products - I'm very selective), etc. You can have a full balanced vegan diet and enjoy it and be satisfied. I hope it works out for you.:wink:
  • I'm a vegetarian, though my husband and I eat a vegan diet at home. I recommend Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz as a good starter cookbook, and I'd also recommend checking the bulk bins for fun new grains to try!

    Feel free to friend me!
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