
I have been dieting for over a month now.. I've lost 9lbs so far, but the past week I have not lost anything, I never eat over my daily calories and I workout to the 30ds, or walk my two kids in their double jogging stroller.I know it all just takes time and sometimes time is good, but I'm starting to get depressed that I'm working my butt off and I'm not losing anything, I feel so disappointed!! I need help or tips on other really good ways to help lose. I am so unhappy with my body and sometimes I let it interfer with my life!


  • marbear1397
    Well its a great thing that your working on it! What you should try to do is take the focus off "losing weight" and put it on feeling better. Take it day by day and eventually you'll feel and notice a difference. I know thats easier said than done but I know you can do this!