
does anybody know anything about this? is it good or bad? iv seen it on the tv i went onto there website and it gives no information on how much it costs you have to get a councellor to call you about it, people on it are loosing an incredible amount of weight, am seriously considering it, so if anybody could share their views on this i would appreciate it, thanks. Jenny xxx


  • jenny_05
  • booboolina
    I am on it, it's great and I have lost 7 stone so far.

    You have to be disciplined and also it's not a magic wand, you need to change your thinking - however, the counselling does help and you make friends in your group who also keep you motivated and can talk to.

    Hope this helps but msg me if you'd like more info...

    Good luck!
  • gemsy_1982
    I'm on it (this is week 9) and I have lost 4 stone so far.
    I pay £72 a week for total as have a BMI over 25 i think it is, but there is also a light version which is cheaper.
    Its 4 packs a day, but its actually not bad, I'm enjoying it xx
  • supergirlsu
    I completed this, best thing I ever did. Lost 3.5 stone in 14 weeks. When I did it (2 years ago now) I paid £65 a week but I see it has gone up since.
    As has been said it's not a magic wand, yes! It does work, you lose the weight quick but you do have to change your eating habits etc also.
    I know few people who gave done it and put it all back on again, and although I gave gained some I then also managed to lose it again with simple calorie counting. Infect I am now nearly 1 stone lighter than I was when I finished.
    It is hard work and takes a lot of willpower and you do gav to work at keeping it off, but as I say it is the best thing I've ever done.
    If you're interested, contact your local counsellor, you go down and watch an Info DVD and get weighed etc and then make a decision, if you want to start you gave to get a drs form filled out (and then again every few months) and if you decide it's not for you then that's fine also :)

    If you want, feel free to add me, same goes to anyone else :)