Am I a sugar addict?

Marcellus_08 Posts: 253
Sugar Addict? Whats that?
Lets just say if it had a picture, I would be it.

I'll finally admit I have FALLEN off "diet" wagon. Ready for the excuses?
1. My husband totally eats whatever he wants, meaning my house is usually pretty packed with crappy food.
2. ZERO motivation.
3. Support? My family totally "supports" my dieting. But its one thing to support someone, but still eat crappy. If my husband was a drunk i wouldn't be like, " Ya buddy, lay off the booze" with a beer in hand.

It's hard to stay motivated when I am surrounded by bad foods, even if our house is full of healthy food, my mind wants the bad food. WHY? I'm not sure at all WHY I am the way I am. I can eat healthy all day, but then all the sudden late at night, my mind is like.... "Heeeeey...remember there is ice cream in the freezer." I try VERY hard to tell myself no... Then I seriously feel like a different person takes over, eats it, then my normal self comes back and is thinking why the hell I even did it.

I have lost 48lbs with a LONG way to go. A very long way. I lost that first 48 pretty quick and easy. I have been "stuck" since April. I keep telling myself I don't know why I'm not losing weight.

Truth is I stopped trying. Every now and then I eat what I want, I don't work out. I don't drink lots of water.
So about 3 weeks ago I decided to jump back in. I worked out a hour a day, drank TONS of water, ate super duper healthy, and I gained weight which made no sense to me. How could I kill myself ALL WEEK I felt great, I was happy, and yet..I gained. I was so depressed I started eating, because for some reason it seems to be my comfort. How is something that isn't a person comfort me? How is that even possible? I was so upset at myself for trying so so hard just to be let down. I haven't been back on since. I try to, I log, I do great all day, then something happens.

I feel so alone sometimes with this whole dieting thing. Its so frustrating to not know WHY I'm doing this. Food should not be a comfort. If I know this, why is it so hard. I'm not sure how to stop doing what I'm doing.
Anyways, just wanted to vent. Wondering if anyone else is having a problem like this? Or if you have and how you got past it...



  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member

    There could be loads of reasons for you gaining weight when you tried again.

    - were you counting calories and allowing for exercise?
    - did you measure yourself when you gained the weight?
  • The reason one gains weight after starting a new excercise program or jumping back to excercise after a long break is DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness), especially if you do incorporate strength and weight training. This is due to the inflammation of the muscle tear that excercise causes and it causes water retention. In about 2 weeks from starting/restarting your excercise, the weight should drop. Keep at it; Excercise does not cause weight increase, however crappy eating does. I would say, excercise religiously for 2-3 weeks straight and see the difference in your measurements (both scale and inches)

    Good luck.
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
    Oh I am right there with you. My husband even brings home snacks for me "bc he loves me". I stopped getting mad about it. I told him to try and lay off buying me junk but it was ok if he did. I asked him to pick stuff I normally don't want and see if it helps, we'll see. I don't deprive myself of sugary stuff. I am trying to eat less than before and make sure I stay under my cals. I am going to try and limit myself to only weekend "treat days" (as someone on a dif post put it). Also, I wasn't losing weight when I stepped up the exercising and maintained for 3 weeks and just now am getting a slight loss. It's frustrating but if you really want this, we can do it! Trust me, you are not alone. Check in with friends here, it helps me! These gals & guys are my go to and the most supportive. My family isn't very supportive & my husband just wants to be nice but doesn't understand somethings I guess, bless him. Lol Good Luck! =)
  • Hello Donna,

    I can't say I have this issue with food. But I am in recovery, and deal every day with alcohol around me. At work, at home, with friends, out to dinner. I know it's different than food because you HAVE to eat, but it is an addiction I overcame nonetheless. Cigarettes came some years after that. I know how hard it is. But you have to decide what you are going to do for you. I could not live that way anymore, and I fought hard to change. It wasn't easy but so worth it. That is no different with any addiction, even food. LIfe is good on the other side. You have to look at the crap/junk food/fast food/processed food/sugar, etc. as I did with alcohol and ciggies. It's poison to your body, whereas healthy food is fuel. And you may well in fact be a sugar addict, it's something you will need to overcome.

    I have a hubby also that eats a pint of Ben & Jerrys at a sitting, and doesn't really work out other than when I drag him out for a hike. He has been working on losing weight, but we eat totally different things all the time, it's not even in my reality to dig into his ice cream, swig some of his Mountain Dew or chomp on some of his sweets. The same as it is not an option to throw down a shot of his Jack Daniels! ;)

    I choose for me what goes in my body. Period. I do that because I want to look and feel good and live a healthy life. You deserve that, too.

    Well done on the exercise. Another hard thing: ignore the scale for a week, or two or three. Focus on the diet and exercise. Your body needs to adjust. Take measurements, too, so you can track inches lost. And, most fun, find your fave goal clothing item so you can periodically try it on -- it will get looser!

    Being healthy will come more naturally as time goes on. It will get easier. And if you are patient you will see more results.

    Good luck!

    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Hmm... well I understand how difficult it can be to maintain your diet when you are around someone who is eating whatever they like. Is there any way to get your husband on board with your diet and exercise plan? There's plenty of studies around suggesting that when you tackle weight loss as a couple you are more likely to succeed. Even if he doesn't want to do it for the weight loss, maybe you can get him on board for the health benefits? I know if it was just me doing a diet plan and watching my husband eat what he wants I would feel a little bit resentful. Which would probably make me cave in to temptation frequently as well.
    The reason you feel happy after eating sugary/ carb type foods is because it actually triggers happy hormones in the brain telling your body you are happy now. However, you can get the same benefit from exercise which releases endorphins that make you feel happy and also stave off hunger.
    Ultimately you are the only one who can make the changes in your life. But if you can't get your husband or any of your family on board maybe you could get a friend to exercise with you and compare notes on what's working and whats not. I think the American Heart Association has a buddy program you can locate by zip code. It sounds like what you really need is some support and someone going through the process with you.
    Good luck, and I hope things get easier for you as you go :)
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