Newbie looking for buddies :)

Hi everyone,

this is my third day using MFF and starting to get into the swing of things now.

I have seen many wonderful success stories and its encouraging to see.

Would love to have more buddies on here so can help motivate each other.

All best everyone

Dietingdebbie xx


  • JessicaEPope
    JessicaEPope Posts: 88 Member
    I'll send you a friend request!

    Welcome to MFP and keep at it! xx

    The sucess stories are my inspiration too, seeing how people can change their bodies makes me realise i don't have to stay stuck like this forever, its up to me if i want to change :)
  • PeeTeePee
    PeeTeePee Posts: 235 Member
    Hello Debbie, welcome to MFP. There's lots of advice, encouragement and motivation here, you'll be glad you joined. I haven't been here long myself, just a couple of weeks, but I glad I joined. I'll send you a friend request.
  • nixy2k
    I am also new to the site and looking for people to share tips and encouragement with. We all have good days and bad days and it would be lovely to have people to share with. Just send me a message if you would like to be friends on here :)
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Hello Debbie and Welcome!
  • krstal02
    krstal02 Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome my name is Kristal and I would be happy to be your friend. I have lost 30 pounds so far and I have a shorterm goal of 10 more to lose then I will set a new goal of 20. Best wishes
  • dietingdebbie
    dietingdebbie Posts: 28 Member
    Wow thank you everyone for the warmest welcome. :)

    I cant believe how many friend requests have had come through, and thank you all, will be adding you in short while.

    I was going to go back to Weight Watchers but enjoying this so much, and loving that can add on the go through my phone. Think the barcode scanner is ace.

    Heres to shifting these pounds have put on and sorting a new healthier lifestyle.

    Joined the gym again today too... woooohooo.

    Thanks all again, and all best with your own weight loss journeys.

  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP, I am new here too. Sending you a friend request, good luck on your journey :), Susan
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    Be happy to give support. I will send a friend request.
  • dietingdebbie
    dietingdebbie Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you all sooooo very much. :)

    I have had loads and loads of friend requests, have been innundated lol and will be adding you all. :smile:

    Please NO more requests now though as have lots to get through xxxxx