Friends please!!!

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Hi All
I have been tracking my diet for about a week and can not believe how high in calories my diet has been. No wonder my weight is starting to climb quickly. I am so glad I found this site knowledge really is power. Who would have thought!!

As I type this I notice my 5 year old boy is licking the milk he spilt off the tiled floor. (Hmmmm!!) Better go and put them to bed now. Night all. I hope I have some friends in the morning.


  • msrobinson77
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. Weight loss is so much easier when you have people around you to keep you motivated. Good luck!
  • angw7
    angw7 Posts: 69
    Welcome on here 13Natty. The app on the Iphone is brilliant as you can use it as soon as you eat something and therefore don't forget anything. It is scary when you do keep count as you just don't realise. Good luck with your weight loss :-)
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    This site really puts things in focus!! Good luck &I'll add ya now :)
    Hi there, new to this sight, the nutritionist I work with told me about it. I actually started on my life change three months ago and have lost 20 lbs. I am just making better choices. Diets fail or come to an end. I find that it is alot easier, if I decide to make a less than perfect choice then I just make a better one next time. It is working for me.
  • dandgizmo

    I only started at the weekend feel free to add me, This has to be easier the ore support you have
  • tracymumto7
    tracymumto7 Posts: 3 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I'm an Australian mum. I've lost 28kgs since February this year. I joined my fitnesspal last month ans having been using the iphone app mostly. I too am looking for friends to help me stay on track of a healthy lifestyle of moderate eating and exercise.
    I've taken up running, I'm slow! I used a couch to 5 k programme and I love it. Would like some support from others who are beginner runners.
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    Hi. Feel free to add me as well.... My friends and I all went through the "sticker shock" phase like you did. It is really surprising how many calories everything has. The great thing is with this, you can still eat your favorite foods, you just have to plan to do it, or eat them in smaller quantities. I joined back in July, and have lost 20 pounds as well. Friends on here are great to help motivate you and make sure you stick to your goals. Best of luck to you on your journey!!
  • Rachy80
    I will send through a friend request, anyone else feel free to add me as well :)
  • Claire739
    hi having friends i find really helps to keep you on track!

    anyone is welcome to add me x