What motivates you?

So what gets you re-motivated when you need a kick in the pants to get back into the swing of things?? All it takes for me is my sister telling me that I would be just perfect if I didn't lose another pound. That I look like I am a health size. Let's not worry that my BMI is still in the obese range AFTER losing over 50 pounds! She says this just because she has always been the "skinny one" & I am starting to make her nervous. As soon as she said that it was like a boost of energy that I needed to get myself refocused again!


  • dangerz
    Knowing it makes my wife happier. Feeling better about myself. Feeling like I'm back in shape. Being able to wrestle with my dogs without losing.

    Just kidding on that last one.. I've never lost.
  • SuperKatie
    SuperKatie Posts: 94 Member
    I made a bet with a friend. That always helps me to re-motivate!
  • mazza2marilyn
    looking at my retirement photos, yuk.
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I have a picture taken at my sons 2nd birthday that is my goal again. I even kept the jeans I was wearing and can't wait to wear them again. But as far as motivation I'd love to be the same size as my baby sister even though she's 10 years younger then me. Trying to be healthy enough to play with my kids and the dogs helps.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Knowing how far I've come and that I am >< this close to my "goal" and this time last year I thought it was SOOOOOO far away. Knowing that I've come this far means I won't stop now!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    My motivation is all the *kitten* iv left behind in my life.
    sO if i ever bump into them, and the see not only am i so much happier, but iv got a hot body..
    In my head i can go "HA"!!
    I know thats mean... but when i dont have a job, the only thing i can show for my life is a body...
    And if its a good one then even if someone trives past in there car and laughs at me because im walking.
    I can go its this walking thats made me so dam sexy. And its that car thats made you so damn fat..
  • Kitiara47
    I look at the bridesmaid dress I'll be wearing in April, and remember how much better it would look if I lost more.
  • jenRRT
    jenRRT Posts: 12 Member
    My kids motivate me. I look and them and think about what they will be like when they're my age. Then I realize that if I keep up that lifestyle, I probably won't.
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Having someone compliment me on my appearance or asking me if I've been losing weight.

    Having someone tick me off so badly that I NEED to burn off the rage in a healthy manner. LOL
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    Having someone tick me off so badly that I NEED to burn off the rage in a healthy manner. LOL

    I always seem to get a much better workout when I am pretending the belt on the treadmill is someones face! mwahahaha!
  • joeysmyth
    joeysmyth Posts: 7 Member
    my friend Anne, she motivates me - don't know what I would do without her, oh and my new friend Mazz! x we are all in this together x
  • joeysmyth
    joeysmyth Posts: 7 Member
    your too hard on yourself mazz! x