Any new mums in Aberdeenshire area?

Hi, my name is Susan, I had my 3rd bub in May.

I registed on here back when I was pregnant trying to keep the demon excess weight away, it worked to apoint but I had heaps to lose to start with, life long battle with the bulge unforutnately, I love food too much.

I am looking for motivators/and to be a motivator to anyone who is in the same boat near or far, please add me!

Susan x


  • Hello Susan

    Congratulations on the baby & welcome to mfp.

    I don't live in Aberdeen but I used too (still go there from time to time)!! Now back living in Chester. I too am struggling to get off the last of my baby no2 weight. Still got 10lb to go and they are fighting me all the way. Add me as a friend if you like.

    Take care
