Zumba for Wii review

I must say that it is quite a workout.....but in all honesty I think Just Dance is way more fun.....
The Zumba is really fast paced....workouts are 20 min for the beginners "class", haven't gotten further, so
no clue how long the others are....Oh, and I've never been to a "live" class so not sure how it compares....

Anyone else using it? What are your thoughts?


  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I just got it for Christmas, and have only done it twice-but I love it. I don't have the Just Dance 2 (or 1), so I can't compare to that one. I just know that it is going to give me a workout, and that is why I wanted it.
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    I got Just Dance 2 for Wii and I LOVE it. Theres a "Just Sweat" portion and you can do a certain amount of dances every night to get you sweating. It really works. You move so much and you really workout your whole body!

    I'm going to get a HRM to see exactly how many calories I burn but I dance and before you know it Ive been dancing for over 30 minutes!

    I have been thinking about Zumba though! I would love to go to a live class!
  • Momof4Gyrls
    Momof4Gyrls Posts: 3 Member
    We got our girls Just Dance for Kids for Christmas. I haven't tried it myself. I bet it is a great work out though. I enjoy doing Zumba, but I like that I do it outside my home. I have met so many great people.
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    I must say that it is quite a workout.....but in all honesty I think Just Dance is way more fun.....
    The Zumba is really fast paced....workouts are 20 min for the beginners "class", haven't gotten further, so
    no clue how long the others are....Oh, and I've never been to a "live" class so not sure how it compares....

    Anyone else using it? What are your thought

    I got the wii zumba and was going thru the first half idk if i like it or not ,maybe i was on the wrong part, i wanted to just dance and not go thru the tutorial part of it ..help anyone know where the fun part is?
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I did Zumba for Wii last night for the first time and I LOVE IT!!!! I also have Just Dance 2 and am equally fond of that. I think Just Dance 2 allows you to move slower by choosing your own dances...and you have to wait in between dances for everything to load. I like that Zumba was 20 min (beginners - I think 25 min total with the cool down) and it didn't stop!!! I definitely got a better work out and loved the moves too!
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    I just got a Wii and didn't know there was a Zumba game for it! I have the Zumba Advanced DVD and LOVE IT! Hmmm I may need to look into this. I love Zumba but the live classes in my area don't go well with my schedule so I like having the DVD at home. I would love to "play" it on the Wii. I'm addicted to Wii Tennis. I run around like crazy playing it and burn about 100 calories in 45 minutes!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    I got zumba for wii for Christmas and have done it a few times. I tried zumba classes at our gym and I don't know if it's the instructor or me, but I don't burn many calories and my heart rate goes higher when I walk my dog. This may be because I am a hard core cardio-phile and spin regularly and on days I don't spin, I either run or do the elliptical. That said, I wanted the game because there are times I just can't get to the gym and need something to do and the wii fit makes me nuts with how slow the things load. I started with the zumba tutorial but found it really annoying and slow moving so I decided what the heck just go straight to the class. I've done both 20 minute beginner classes and both 20 minute intermediate classes. Completing those unlocks a 45 minute class which I haven't done yet. I did it for about 60 minutes today and only burned about 435 cal (compared to over 600 for a 60 minute spin class) but I'm sore in places I'm usually not sore in. I was actually gonna do a post on this and how important it is to mix up your routine. I personally won't be using this as my primary workout but it's a great thing to do if you don't belong to a gym and it's icky outside or if you just want to change it up.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Just signed up for a zumba class that starts in Jan. Got the just dance 2 game for Christmas. What fun it is, but really after 3 days of playing my arms are going to fall off. :)
  • Losingforlife1
    Losingforlife1 Posts: 14 Member
    I just got jd2 and zumba today. I felt like zumba gave me a better workout but jd2 is more fun. I'd prefer jd2 if you didn't have to stop after every song. Stopping after every song isn't so bad but you have to click a few buttons then choose a song then wait for it to load. If all you had to do was wait for another song to load id prefer jd2. I was soaked after doing 20 minutes of zumba then doing 3 or 4 songs on jd2.
  • Fineraziel
    I must say that it is quite a workout.....but in all honesty I think Just Dance is way more fun.....
    The Zumba is really fast paced....workouts are 20 min for the beginners "class", haven't gotten further, so
    no clue how long the others are....Oh, and I've never been to a "live" class so not sure how it compares....

    Anyone else using it? What are your thoughts?

    Like you said. I enjoy Zumba, but I like Just Dance (1 and 2) better! ;D
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    i do 2 20-minute sessions on Zumba and love it and feel I get a good work out I am planning on getting The Biggest Loser game next. I have the personal trainer which I am trying tonight. I just bought my Wii from my teenage son who got the new Xbox 360 and was selling it. I can tell I am getting addicted to the Wii - planning on getting a couple more games this weekend.
  • flynabster
    Zumba really works my calves, whew, they burn, lol
    IDK, maybe it's cuz I'm older now, but I have a hard time keeping up with the steps....I'm going to keep
    trying though...it is a great workout when it's too cold to walk or when you can't get to the gym.....
  • gumpshrimp
    gumpshrimp Posts: 7 Member
    after doing a session on my wii zumba i went to add it on my list i was not able to find it so i put down the closest thing which was dance and it said i only burnt 80 cals and i was sure this was wrong so i went searching and found a site that says u burn roughly 200 - 250 cals in 30 minutes , i now dont know wot to believe
  • determinedcrystal
    I love the zumba on wii time goes so fast when you dance and have fun : )