Any tips?

Whats your tips to get leaner, lower the fat percentage?


  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,442 Member
    Eat less than you burn 🤷‍♂️ don’t aim for a fast rate of loss otherwise you’ll lose more muscle in addition to fat. Be consistent.
  • stianledal21
    stianledal21 Posts: 17 Member
    Eat less than you burn 🤷‍♂️ don’t aim for a fast rate of loss otherwise you’ll lose more muscle in addition to fat. Be consistent.

    How do you find out how much you burn each day? We burn naturally, workout, cardio, walking etc
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,442 Member
    Okay let’s go back to basics: if you enter your stats into MFP and enter a slow rate of loss (ie .5-1lb per week), it will chuck out an estimated daily calorie goal. Your macros are irrelevant re losing actual weight, but to maintain muscle mass it’s a good idea to shot for a highish amount of protein (I aim for .75-1g per pound of body weight). The other macros are purely down to personal preference, but keep a min of 30-40g of fat as it is an essential nutrient.

    After 4 weeks (6 if female) see how much you weigh and then you can adjust your calories up or down accordingly. MFP gives you calories BEFORE exercise, so enter your exercise and eat some of those calories back (most sites over-estimate exercise burn so you might overeat if you consume them all back). Each person is different so you need to track ALL your food scrupulously, use a food scale, track, track and track. Then you can see how many calories you need per day to maintain or lose.

    There are more sophisticated methods such as TDEE, but you still need to track your food.

    Does that help?
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,442 Member
    To add a real life example, after tracking for ages I know I maintain on 2100-2300 (depending on my volume stage of training). I lose on c1900. So if I want to slow bulk I eat 2300-2400 and to lose I will drop to 1900 - but no more, as I want to lose fat and preserve as much muscle as possible, whilst still being able to do my sport.
  • brenn35
    brenn35 Posts: 35 Member
    watch those carbs, for me a good steak is better than cake, especially this time of year.