
Hey everyone! I’m on a 1,500 calorie deficit and it’s kinda difficult, but wow I feel better and I’ve already lost like 8 lbs in about two months. Keep it up y’all. 😤💪🏽


  • carlosgotgainz
    carlosgotgainz Posts: 2 Member
    I just REALLY hope I don’t lose muscle mass.
  • stianledal21
    stianledal21 Posts: 17 Member
    Remember to eat a lot of protein, so you dont lose too much muscles.
  • Kaye4healthxx
    Kaye4healthxx Posts: 9 Member
    I too am sticking to between 1200 -1500 calories. I also am diabetic, so eat low carb, higher fat/protein. My food diarry is open for all to see. A longtime ago I was on My Fitness Pal and a few things have changed.I cannot figure out how to leave an introduction. I am just using the website, and that may be the issue. My phone (very old) won't work with the app. Now lets see if I can submit this entry. LOL