Anyone not so into this?

Hi! I was doing great through the summer and now not so great. Gained back the few pounds I lost after giving up coke and going to water only. I cracked one day and now I am back at it. I am on the site every day, but just not motivated to WANT to do this. I just can't get back in the game, but I do want to.
So question one - how do you get back into this after you were in it and then cracked!
question two- how do picky eaters find anything to eat. My grocery store here has never heard of half of the stuff people are posting that they eat. I live in a small town and you can forget finding a lot of healthy choices. What are some "normal" things you guys are eating? Something I can find in a small town grocery store.
Thanks a bunch..hoping you can light a fire under me to get going again!


  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    chicken, fish, fresh veggies and fruit, rice, oatmeal............seasonings make a big difference with alot of food, i have found so many different ways to do chicken fish and rice, some citrus (lime or Lemon) on alot of green veggies makes them amazing
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    Basically anything on the outer perimeter of most every grocery stores. The less processed the better! And the whole grains. Wish I could be better help.
  • Andrea_Reid
    I know it's hard to get back on the band wagon after you fall off but pick yourself up and start over. Don't worry about what you did yesterday and start fresh today, this minute. Baby steps to a heathier life. Stop the cola! even diet is crap. It's hard but it's the sugar you are craving. Drink water, Ice tea even that nasty crystal lite if you need to. As far as foods I eat normal foods. I have a family that is'nt on diets, so dinners are "normal people" foods. Chicken breast, fat trimmed tri tip, low fat 7% hambuger meat, salads. Lots of veggies. Lunch, I buy oscar meyer turkey or roast beef , wasa crackers, laughing cow cheese and light string cheese. Breakfast fiber one 80 calories and lactaid fat free milk( I can't drink real milk). Good luck and pick yourself up and start a new!!!
  • mrsgolfie
    mrsgolfie Posts: 42 Member
    Hard to get back at it but you will! You have made the first step and are back on the MFP site! Welcome back!
    Great suggestions here as far as foods, but if you just make the usual foods with alot of difference spices/ or sauces (healthy type) you can get at small town stores.
    I try to shop the outside perimeter of the store and stay away from the aisles as much as I can. That helps me if I do that. I also don't even walk down the chip/and snack aisle at all!
    I drink lots of water which helps keeping me full and tonight when I was hungry I had a glass of Diet Coke...Makes me feel like I'm having a treat and I had 0 calories. :smile:
    I just found out today that if I think I want something I will log the food and see what the calorie count is. This has made me change my mind to have something else instead because I didn't want to eat that many
    Whatever it takes! Think how great you will look when you get to goal! Also I think of health.
    Goodluck to you
  • Maryee71
    Maryee71 Posts: 434 Member
    we've all been there and done that. If I had every pound I've lost over the last 30 yrs I'd be a negative number. I found this site yesterday and feel real positive about it. The problem is we all have to get our mindset and will power ourselves and that's the hardest part. Picky eaters even have harder. You didn't say what you're picky about. If you like baked potatoes you can put alot of things on them. I love Newman's Own Salsas and put that on my bake potato. What do you like?
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    So far I don't feel deprived. I have only been here 3 weeks but I am so impressed that I have told anyone that would listen about this site. I am taking the steady stable one pound a week goal and so far, I am on track. I put in what I want to eat before I eat it to see the damage. If it is too bad, I will find something else. I eat steak, low fat ground beef, chicken, pork and sometimes fish. I like baked potatos, sweet pees, green beans, salads, apples, peaches, strawberries, the list goes on. Just don't try the fast track and deprive yourself and then maybe it will be easier to stay on the wagon. Good Luck
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i signed up for this a year ago, and was on and off for a while, until i got back from vacation back in august. i was 251lbs. never again. i realized that i had allowed myself to become lazy, and stagnant. i made excuses for what i ate and how i looked like. being fat and lazy is easy, and i decided i didn't want easy anymore. exercising regularly and watching what you eat is hard, but will it be worth it??


    i was a competitive person, and still am. so i decided to light a real fire under my *kitten* and lit it with money!! i signed up for a 5k and a triathlon. i just can't work out for the sake of working out. i got on my bike, watched what i ate, and started mixing up my work outs.

    good luck to you and how ever you decide to change your life.
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    Love all the suggestions! TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!
    Just to clarify since someone asked....I am picky - for instance I am a just ketchup kind of girl. I don't eat a lot of combinations. I would never eat tofu, artichokes or anything like that. I don't even know what a lentil is or how you would cook that. I just laugh at some of the things people post that they eat because I bet my small town stores wouldn't even have it.

    I do eat salads, hummus, try to stay away from breads- but downfall is chocolate and sweets!
    I gave up cokes last year and almost made it a year. I think I am definatley going to start with that again and stay away from the french fries! I do like wyler's light mix drinks rather than crystal light. You can get them at my dollar tree for $1. LOL.
    Thanks for the support!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i love lentils. if you like beans, you'll like lentils. omg, i'm gonna have to make lentils this weekend.

    ps, i hate tofu, and i don't think i've ever had an artichoke. i've tried brussel sprouts, and no thanks. there aren't a lot of veggies i like, but i'm broadening my palette. some times its in preperation. i stir fried some peepers and onions (yum) with broccoli (yuck) with some low sodium soy sauce and couldn't even taste the broccoli. and asparagus i only like grilled or baked.
  • jvmay1703
    jvmay1703 Posts: 42 Member
    Engineman you might just have me interested to try lentils. I love beans, Broccoli even!!! and Asparagus! Ok you have me wondering...going to figure out lentils. And if bilo has them......:)