Women 200lb+, Let's Be Determined This December!!!



  • justanotherloser007
    Went to the Dr. and when it comes to bloodwork I am doing great! My sugar, cholesterol (he was really impressed with these numbers I guess because of my age), and bp are awesome. I was a little concerned about sugars because I tend to overdo sugars with *nom nom nom* fruit. But the Dr. said that for me, "you can have as much fruit as you want" lols. He is funny. He doesn't seem to understand that I had no problem eating a pound of grapes daily when I was 277 pounds and couldn't seem to figure out how to eat less calories. **womp womp eat 8 oz of fruits instead of 16 oz**

    Also after Halloween, I chose to eat craisins (dried cranberries) instead of any smarties. I was getting a little out of control with the smarties. Craisins do have sugar but also has vitamins and stuff for uti. Totally works. I am grateful that I CAN have fruit though, since the hubby is diabetic and has to watch carbs/sugars all the time. I am grateful for my good choice over the not as great choice, even though I was eating within my calorie count.

    Habits are really important, and the nice thing about habits is you can re-evaluate to see where you want to tighten up your game.
    Play Cribbage and Backgammon <3
    Who do you play with?
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    Hi! I've been looking for a group like this! I'm Diane and have become refocused since Halloween. I am in need of a new hip but must lose weight to have the surgery. It has caused debilitating pain and I am way too young (58) to feel this old! Super hard to do without being able to exercise but I'm determined.

    ❄️What are you trying to achieve this month? What have you already achieved this year?
    I would like to get to 279 by the New Year. The biggest achievement is that I have found the uummph to fight and actively deal with losing weight. I felt pretty hopeless as they tried to diagnose where my pain was coming from for the past year.

    ❄️How do you plan to celebrate the holidays and are there any strategies you have put/will be putting in place to help you through?
    We are traveling to celebrate with my sister and her husband. My nephew will be in town with his girlfriend and it is the first time that my little family has been together for Christmas in many years. I'm so excited. I have made everyone aware that I'm eating healthy. I've sent a list of what groceries I would like (at her request) but am also encouraging others to go ahead with all of the usual traditions! I will log and practice moderation with a couple of items.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 354 Member
    @pdd1216 Welcome! Sometimes finding the uummph is the hardest part!
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    @pdd1216 Welcome! Sometimes finding the uummph is the hardest part!

    Amen and amen!

  • justanotherloser007
    For those who can't move much: when I was really heavy I had severe hip pain in both hips not to mention my other problems with being sick all the time.

    I stumbled upon this thread when I just couldn't move like I wanted to lose weight:

    I don't know how many pages there are, but to give you can example one lady figured out how to make a whole cookie sheet of merengue cookies for 166 calories. The whole sheet.

    I really decided to change the way I ate, even if I thought it was for a limited time... which I was really heavy and I didn't know how long I would end up eating like that. But I found that it was super helpful! When I was eating a literal horse sized bowl of salad for 250 calories, it was tough to have "eye envy". In fact, I got to the point where I really resented restaurants quite a bit.

    Not only are they expensive, but I could make two breakfast tortillas that I could barely fit in my belly for 280 calories, vs. two breakfast tortillas for 800 calories!! Pfft, I wasn't even full.

    I did have to make substitutions, but when I saw the weight coming off... it was totally worth it to me.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,558 Member
    Hey all!

    It’s been a few days. Tuesday I fell off the wagon for a few hours. I was having a stressful day and just ended up eating that stress. HOWEVER, I did pull myself out of that after a bit and also stayed on track all of yesterday. I even had my office holiday luncheon and we had pasta for dinner last night. I managed to make good choices at the office, save my single slice of cake until mid-afternoon for a snack and did all my tricks with our pasta at home…. Used protein rich pasta, added sautéed vegetables, added a protein with meatballs. Then my evening snack was salted mini sweet peppers with salsa. I really wanted the tortilla chips but the peppers still give me a crunch and a vehicle for the salsa so it wasn’t really hard to convince myself to make a change.

    I also realize this means I fell into the same trap I realized about myself last month. The day before an event I eat what I don’t originally plan to and overindulge. It is just reaffirming that I need to work harder on that issue. Especially this time of year when there are events constantly.

    Tonight is actually another event. My daughter’s school is having their literacy night tonight. Last year the school had some snacks and beverages and this year with the theme being Polar Express I somehow expect to be handed hot cocoa and a cookie or something similar. I plan to either leave enough calories in my budget or to say no thank you. I’m hoping I stick to that plan.

    We also started my daughter’s basketball season this week. Her practices are on Tuesday nights at the same time as one of the Zumba classes I’ve been missing lately so next week I’ll start back at Zumba during her practice. I’m really happy about that because my schedule has been so all over the place I’ve been missing getting to that class.

    @justanotherloser007 So excited about your good blood work!!!! The lab work always stresses me out until I find out the results whenever I go. Also, I need to check out that thread. I love finding things I can eat in volume. It’s probably why I end up making popcorn so often. Especially if I air pop and spray just enough oil to make the seasonings stick. A huge bowl is pretty dang low. And why I ended up with peppers instead of chips last night.

    @pdd1216 Welcome! I’m so sorry to hear about your hip. You are the same age as my husband and he has a bad back with daily pain. Unfortunately, he had 3 surgeries on his back by the time he was 18 so no dice on doing anything more to fix it and he won’t really work on losing weight with me. I wish he would try more because I can see how much it hurts him. You are doing great working on that! I love that your family asked about your groceries and health needs. It’s amazing having that kind of support.
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    I also realize this means I fell into the same trap I realized about myself last month. The day before an event I eat what I don’t originally plan to and overindulge. It is just reaffirming that I need to work harder on that issue. Especially this time of year when there are events constantly.

    I did the same thing! I've learned that my trap is being sleepy. If I don't sleep well, the tiredness makes me want to say, "Screw it" and reach for something easy (read: unhealthy and fattening) to prop up my energy. Last night we ended up ordering takeout because nobody felt like cooking. I would like to do some big batch cooking over the holidays and freeze meals in individual sizes: much easier to thaw quickly, everyone can pick what they want, etc., and so much healthier (and cheaper!) than ordering out on those days when cooking feels like a chore.

  • Butterfly2022MD
    Butterfly2022MD Posts: 246 Member
    Age 52

    Start Weight: 237.4
    Goal Weight: 170 lb
    Goal weight for December 233
    SW for the month of December 237.4

    WK 2 - 12/8: 237.4
    WK 3 - 12/15: 236
    WK 4

  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    Age: 39
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 7 2021: 271.1
    SW December 2022: 188.2
    GW this month: 188 (maintain)
    Goal for 2022: Stay the course

    Thursday weigh-ins
    12/1 - 188.2
    12/8 - 188.2
    12/15 -
    12/22 -

    Dec Change: 0lbs
    Loss to date: -82.9lbs

    ❄️What are you trying to achieve this month? What have you already achieved this year?
    December Goals -
    - Log accurately
    - Post updates here Thursday
    - Gym or home workout 3x per week

    I did pretty good with my goals this week.
    - I logged pretty accurately with the exception of yesterday. We had our year-end luncheon at work and they did a big catered meal with prime rib, chicken, two salad variations, sides and pie for dessert. I tried to fill my plate with veggies first and only ate half of my prime rib. I did have a piece of pie for dessert.
    - I am here posting my update on Thursday and have read the posts everyday. I find that staying engaged in the discussions gives me an additional reason to be active in MFP and I love reading all of the updates.
    - I made it to the gym 4 times this week to play racquetball with the wife. We usually play for about an hour and work up a good sweat (and have fun!). I want to start getting into the weight room at the gym but find that I really enjoy spending my time playing instead. I guess I will keep on with whatever keeps me moving and motivated. I know I am more likely to burn calories if I am enjoying myself.

    My weight is the same this week after two days of extras (work pizza party on Tuesday and the luncheon yesterday). I actually saw 186.6 this week before those two events so I am not too worried about it. I know I will drop back down with my normal eating habits.

    Wishing everyone a successful week ahead!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 354 Member
    I want to start getting into the weight room at the gym but find that I really enjoy spending my time playing instead. I guess I will keep on with whatever keeps me moving and motivated. I know I am more likely to burn calories if I am enjoying myself.

    Same, girl, same. I've been hitting the gym four times a week, but I always go straight to the pool. I know it's important to strength train and build muscle, but swimming is making me happy and keeping me motivated. So I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and reevaluate I'm a couple months.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,558 Member
    Good morning! I'm so glad it's Friday.

    Yesterday I managed to stay on course really well. I ate the rest of the soup I had made on Monday throughout the day and my only indulgence was a kit kat bar (because our elf brought a bunch of kit kat for "jenga").

    Today I'm supposed to go to a neighbor's house for coffee at lunch time and she told me she's been making cookies so I'm going to try to keep that to just one or two. Also, I promise my family homemade pizza crust, their favorite sauce and toppings so I need to also plan around that nice yeasty dough. I do love homemade pizza though so it's hard to be mad at that request.

    Lots of Christmas related activities this weekend to keep us running. Tis the season.

    @sandielewis2001 I had my holiday work lunch on Wednesday and did the same. Filled the plate with green beans, salad, etc before hitting on the rest. Great job not going crazy.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 354 Member
    Happy Sunday, ladies!

    So yesterday, my sister and her boyfriend came over to help me do some work on my house for a few hours. Then, I took them out to lunch afterward.

    I got a healthy enough sandwich, but I decided to get fries with it. Everything was great, but it was the first time I've been in a restaurant since I restarted my weight loss journey.

    And for the rest of day, I kind of spiraled. I ate my normal dinner, but had two sodas, a bunch of cookies, and popcorn. And I wasn't even that hungry.

    I know that deviating from my meal plan for the day (just the act of going to a restaurant, and especially getting fries, although the same thing probably would have happened if I'd ordered the side sald) is enough to throw me off my game and really get in my head when it comes to binge eating/over eating.

    My calories wouldn't have been over for the day with my lunch out, or not by much anyway, but I still felt the day was "ruined." And I went back home that evening and just ate everything in sight.

    Allowing myself small indulgences and variations from my plan is something that I logically know is absolutely fine and necessary. But the message gets lost in translation somewhere in my head.
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 106 Member
    @pdd1216 Hi, we have joined this thread at the same time, I am also waiting for a hip replacement, after a year of trying to figure out why I couldn’t walk. I am in U.K. and have no date as yet. I have just realised that sitting on my bottom all day is really not helping, so I am trying to just do more around the house and garden, I am also swimming two or three times a week, but that works because I am a strong swimmer and can mainly use my arms. My weight has pretty much stayed the same this week, but I have felt a bit more positive.
    Thanks for the volume eating thread, not sure I need that. I do seem to have made the change to smaller portions and very few snacks. My appetite comes in fiercely if I snack, same with my dogs, they are crazy for food right after meals and treats, but chilled the rest of the time.
    I’m feeling unwell today, with a sore throat and mouth. My lovely husband said he would buy jam, because I always want jam when I am sick. And that is true, but I hadn’t noticed until he said it. I had actually got up in the night for bread and jam!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,558 Member
    40 years old
    SW: 300 lbs
    Previous low: 195 lbs
    GW: 180 lbs
    Dec 1: 218.2 lbs
    Dec 2: 215.8 lbs
    Dec 10: 214.8 lbs

    Good morning and Happy Monday.

    Saturday I didn't stay on my plan. However, I was out all day with my daughter and a friend with her kids and we ended up getting caught up on the day's fun. Gyros, fries, macarons, games and laughter. Some days aren't going to go to plan but it is worth it to embrace life. For reference, we went to my daughter's basketball practice, the Christmas market that was set up in my neighborhood, the Christmas Village event at a local church (games, socks "ice" skating, smores, cocoa, pictures, petting zoo and more) and another church Christmas event (indoor "skating", cotton snowball fights, inflatables, light tunnel, free ornaments, etc). It was a LOT to do in one day but it was also a lot of fun.

    On Sunday our elf brought a Kids Baking Club box with recipes, cookie cutters & food coloring for the icing. Because of that we baked a bunch of cookies yesterday. I'm going to try and only eat one or two through today but obviously this weekend had more calories that the original plan.

    This week is the last week of school before the winter break so all the things happen this week. Plus next weekend is the next potluck Ladies Movie Day and also our annual cookie decorating day at our friends house (I don't need any more cookies but it's a tradition). Between the two events I know I'm not even going to try and track over the weekend so I need to try and not go too crazy and get some real exercise in this week.

    @RavenStCloud At least you know that going out causes you to fall into the trap of spiraling. I’ve found that if I can identify those moments and keep them in mind when those things are coming up it’s not always as bad. Then again, I didn’t stay on plan through the weekend either so we all have lots of work to do.

    @sandramarshall200 I rarely even remember we have jam in the house unless my daughter wants some. My sick food is the Chicken Noodle Soup at Chick-Fil-A. Any time I have even the tiniest sore throat or the slightest sniffle I crave that bowl of soup.

  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 354 Member
    Nov SW: 260
    Dec Week 1: 250
    Dec Week 2: 248

    This month's goals:

    ❄️ Swim x4 a week ✅️
    ❄️ Log all food✅️
    ❄️ Stay with calorie range❌️ = 6/7
    ❄️ Craft x4 a week❌️ = 0/4

    Instead of trying to swim every other day, I had a really busy weekend, so I swam all four days early in the week. It really freed up the end of the week...I felt like a kid who'd gotten all their homework done on a Friday night and could party all weekend.

    I went over on calories one day because of overeating after going out to a restaurant and spiraling when I got home, but at least I logged everything. @pamperedlinny Yeah, I just have to keep it in mind and relax about it. But it's like once I eat one bad thing, the floodgates have opened.

    I haven't been crafting like I want to, and I definitely have the time, so I need work on that for next week.

    All in all, doing pretty well. Just keep swimming!
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member

    Hello everyone,
    Sounds like folks had a busy weekend. The holidays are tough to navigate but we are doing it. If you're signing on to MFP and reading boards, you haven't lost your way. At least that's how I feel!

    My weekend was pretty quiet actually. It's been raining for days here and doesn't motivate me to get out and about after work. We had friends over for dinner Friday night. They are vegan so it was kind of fun to figure out what to serve. Yesterday was break in the rain so we got out and ran some errands. I hope to get a couple of more done today before rain starts back tomorrow. I just want to see some sunshine! This weekend we leave for our trip to be with family for Christmas....so stinking excited about that!

    @justanotherloser007 I have never heard of volume eating. I'll have to read that more; there are times I just want to munch on something.

    @sandramarshall200 I'm so sorry you are on the new hip journey as well. I don't wish it on anyone. It has taken a year for me to get the right diagnosis as well. At least I hope it's the right one and a new hip will solve the other leg pain. It has been very motivating for me to lose weight; I just want to be out of pain.

    @pamperedlinny I had forgotten about the soup at Chick Fil A. It is quite tasty and can cure what ails you! Those cookies are so pretty!

    Hope all have a good week. Weight is slowly creeping down. I officially weigh in tomorrow
  • morrinley
    morrinley Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting in this group, but I’m happy to be here and looking forward to meeting y’all!

    26 years old, 5’4”
    SW: 265
    CW: 208
    GW: 120

    Back in 2020, I shot up from 180lb to 265lb (thanks miss ‘rona 🙄). From June 2021-present I’ve lost most of the covid gains, but my ultimate goal is to get back to my lowest weight of 120 (a number I haven’t seen in 5+ years lol).

    I got a little…less disciplined (read: lazy 🥱) for a few months this year, so I’ve been hovering between 200-210 since the summer, but here I am jumping back on the horse and buckling down again. I recently invested in a stationary bike and plan on getting back to the gym, and I’m doing my best to get back into the habit of logging what I eat.

    I know it’s a marathon, not a sprint, though, so I’ve got some shorter-term goals set for along the way:
    Exercise for at least 30min 4x/week (ideally more, but let’s be honest here, it’s the holidays and it’s hectic, and I’ll take what I can get 🙃)
    Log every meal each day (even when I inevitably end up eating too much at Christmas dinner lol)
    Weekly weigh-in (hoping to hit <205 by the new year)
    Lose 25lb by the end of May (in time for my partner’s birthday/our anniversary)

    I’m so thankful I have an amazing support system in my friends, family, and my partner, and I’m excited to extend it to this group as well. Feel free to add me as an MFP friend if you feel so inclined lol

    Anyway, Happy December, y’all! Let's do this!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 354 Member
    @morrinley We're glad to have you! It sounds like you've got a good plan lined up and you've already made lots of progress. Welcome!
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    @morrinley Hi Ashley! I just recently found this group as well. Sounds like you have a solid (and realistic) plan!
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    I know that deviating from my meal plan for the day (just the act of going to a restaurant, and especially getting fries, although the same thing probably would have happened if I'd ordered the side sald) is enough to throw me off my game and really get in my head when it comes to binge eating/over eating.

    My calories wouldn't have been over for the day with my lunch out, or not by much anyway, but I still felt the day was "ruined." And I went back home that evening and just ate everything in sight.

    Allowing myself small indulgences and variations from my plan is something that I logically know is absolutely fine and necessary. But the message gets lost in translation somewhere in my head.

    Right?? I am the same! So frustrating.

    Indulgences? Fine; indulge and enjoy it. Deviations from the plan? Inevitable. Ups and downs? Yes, to be expected. And yet, when it happens, it's so easy to want to throw in the towel and allow yourself to spiral. What is up with this crazy disconnect??

    Does anyone have any strategies that help to prevent the spiral?