Helllllooooo MyFitnessPal Peeps!!

Hello to all who read this! :flowerforyou:

So I was just told about this site a week or so ago. Well actually was told about the app on my phone, and decided to give it a try. So far, so good. I did my actual first entire entry for the day of food and excersize yesterday. Seem to make me feel good, knowing I was slighly over my calories for the day, but the workout I did made me have way more calories to eat.......Not that I did, I went to bed *Patting myself on the back*

So about me and my weightloss struggle......Well I have always been the fat chick, and it sucks, but I dealt with it..I did Weight Watchers years ago, lost almost 40lbs and was so happy, but gained it all back and did the dieting off and on. Well I have been married for 10 years this July and in back in 2009 after all those years we found out we were finally expecting. I was so excited, and could hardly contain myself. Well being overweight I had diabetes and made my pregnancy high risk. I was sure that everything was going to be fine....I mean heck, my Mom was always overweight and she had 4 healthy babies....Well sadly I miscarried at 13 weeks. I don't know if it was my health that caused it, or what. So I tried to lose weight before trying again...But I couldn't help it. I wanted to fill that void and mend my heartbreak, so October I found out again that I was pregnant. Again I was so happy..I was scared, but I thought "this can't happen to me again, I will be ok this time, I have faith". Well my diabetes must have gotten the best of me again, because this time I only made it to 7 weeks. That was the last straw, I decided that it was time I make a change........I knew I didn't have the will power to do it on my own, so I started the journey of going in for weightloss surgery......After months of jumping through hoops and doing what the Insurance company wanted I finally got approved.

I ended up having my Lap-Band surgery June 30th, 2010. I was so excited, and couldn't believe it had finally happened for me. On my surgery day I weighed in at I believe 310 lbs. I had actually weighed more, but with having to do the liquid diet 2 weeks prior I had lost some.....Well here I am a year and 3 months later and I am only down to 266. I have been at a stand still for probably the last 5 months. Apparently my body is used to me having smaller portions and I have hit a plateau?

It is definitely obvious that I have to make a change for the better to help me lose the weight. I am tired of going to see my Doc and him getting annoyed that I am not losing. He told me this last visit that I need to keep a food journal...I thought to myself "Just great, what a pain". But I have decided to suck it up, be a big girl, and do it........And decided it was best I actually do workouts too besides just walking, so now I am alternating a Body Blast Class and Zumba 4 times a week and tracking it...........So with all that said, here I am......Hoping that I can meet some new friends, get some pointers, have some motivation and make a healthy change.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Hello to you and welcome. I just want to wish you luck on your healthy journey. :flowerforyou:
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    welcome and good luck .. Feel free to add me if you want.. n .10547530.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Hello and welcome. Stay committed and you will succeed and reach your goals. I'd be happy to be friends and keep you motivated.
  • hzarack
    hzarack Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome and good luck with your journey! It will be well worth it!
  • abbysmommy7
    abbysmommy7 Posts: 211 Member
    Welcome...I think you'll like the site...helpful, friendly, supportive. I think you'll find success here.
    I'm a zumba junkie too...I got 4-6 times a week. You're welcome to add me if you like.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    You can do it! You will find a lot of great info and support here.
    Feel free to add me!