I cant stop at 1

Hi All,

I am seriously trying to understand why i eat well all day come home NOT hungry taste one cookie say " oh thats good" finish the cookie eat the row then half the box.

I know that i shouldnt have even started but WHY cant i just stop at a taste?



  • well cookies are so good. i'm the same way.
    this is why i don't buy a box of cookies. just don't keep cookies in your house.
  • Old habits die hard! You have to change the habit of coming home and have that one cookie. Don't buy those cookies any more OR get into another habit...like coming home and going for a walk instead!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    That's why "in moderation" doesn't work for me :(. I'm an "all or nothing" type of person, so usually I have to setting for "nothing" of something I am craving (or just want). One fry = justification for eating an entire plate.
  • I know for me, I used to justify my overindulgence by saying, "I've been so good all day. I deserve these cookies. I'll just eat less tomorrow."
    If you're eating them only when you just get home, try substituting another action in place of this habit. Maybe have a healthier choice within reach. Or, write yourself a note & stick it to the cookies.
  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    That's why I don't keep ice cream in the house. Then when I do want ice cream it's a special trip out and not so easy to just reach for. Do what you need to do to keep the cookie monster away, even if that means not having them in the house.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Sugar to me is like cocaine to a junkie. I can't stop either, that's why I don't start anymore. And I keep that stuff out of my house for that very reason.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    You CAN stop at one.

    Positive reinforcement, tell yourself that you CAN stop at 1. Eventually, you will not even think about that second cookie.
  • nmarcus
    nmarcus Posts: 17 Member
    its hard becuase i have kids that like to snack (NOT fair I also like to snack)

    anyway I have this argument with my wife. I tell her not to bring it home and she claims They dont need to "Suffer" becuase I lack control.
  • I agree with everyone that said to not have it in the house! Telling myself I can stop at 1 doesn't work for me. Don't fight it -- just adjust life to accomodate your weaknesses... :happy:
  • I agree. It is hard. The only way I can stop snacking is not to have ANY snack stuff in the house. Give yourself a break and just dont buy them, then you won't have to beat yourself up about not stopping at one. Instead you can congratulate yourself for not going down the snack aisle in the supermarket, not buying the cookies etc - yay, result!
    its hard becuase i have kids that like to snack (NOT fair I also like to snack)

    anyway I have this argument with my wife. I tell her not to bring it home and she claims They dont need to "Suffer" becuase I lack control.
    That's harsh. It's really about so much more than just "lack of control", it's a massive test of strength! Tell her to store them where you can't see them and make sure the kids don't eat them in front of you (go out for a walk!) I didnt want to stop my boyfriend enjoying his snacks so I just made sure I didn't know about them. People close to you have to respect you're trying to change yourself and your health.
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    Don't buy crap and you won't have crap at home to binge on.
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    its hard becuase i have kids that like to snack (NOT fair I also like to snack)

    anyway I have this argument with my wife. I tell her not to bring it home and she claims They dont need to "Suffer" becuase I lack control.

    I don't keep anything I like in the house. I do have healthy snacks for us and the kids. If I really have a bad craving, my rule is I have to walk or bike to the store to get it. The store is only a mile and a half, not a big deal, but after a long day and a full tummy after dinner, it usually isn't worth it.

    Before taking that 1st bite of cookie, log it. Then decide if you want more for dinner, or if that box of cookies is worth it.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    It;s weird. I can happily have chocolate, cookies etc in my house and not have any and if I do I just eat one. Crisps on the other hand! I literally could eat 20 packets. The same for sweeties. My housemate bought me a pick and mix yesterday. I keep eating one or two but really have to put them away. This is why I do not buy sweet and buy low fat crisps and just force myself to only one packed but it is really hard.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Don't buy crap and you won't have crap at home to binge on.

    I was complaining all over MFP last night because I wanted to just sit down with a bag of chips and eat ALL of them, but I don't have it in my house, so I couldn't. Don't have it in the house, it's the easiest way to do it until you can retrain yourself.

    Also, eating sugar makes your blood sugar spike and fall, causing you to want more...
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Sugar to me is like cocaine to a junkie. I can't stop either, that's why I don't start anymore. And I keep that stuff out of my house for that very reason.

    This is me. I don't start. Made a birthday cake yesterday and didn't even have a piece. (Makes me sick, but I still want it. Sad.) Today the birthday cake is at hubby's work. GONE!

    My kid doesn't snack on this crap either. He snacks on fruit and I don't think he is "suffering" for it.
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    If you really want to have that 1 cookie after work (or whatever), then you might want to make individual servings at the begining of the week (month) and that way you don't have the whole box open to you when you go to get one. You have the one or two (or appropriate serving) already packaged and you can walk out of the kitchen.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I purposely have a small cheat item everyday, whether it's one block of dark chocolate or half a cookie or something. Since I count my calories meticulouly, I never fell bothered by it.
  • FitBridget
    FitBridget Posts: 30 Member
    I kicked my eat the whole box of cookies habit by changing how I snack rather than what I snack on. I used to stand at the counter and eat a cookie, then another, then another, and it took way too long to close the box and put it back in the cupboard. Now I get a plate, take out one (or two) cookie(s), put it on the plate, put the box away, go sit at the table or on the couch, and spend a good 5 minutes slowly eating the cookie, taking small bites, and focusing on how much I'm enjoying each bite. Then, when I'm done, I sit a couple more minutes thinking about how completely satisfying that was.

    I'm sure that won't work for everyone, but for me, if I eat sweets too quickly the craving doesn't go away, it just makes it worse. If I eat them slowly and focus on the experience, I can limit myself to a serving size and feel way more satisfied than when I ate half the box at once as fast as I could.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I don't keep the "I can't control my self around this stuff" in the house. There are fewer and fewer of those things now that will trigger me. I am a huge sucker for brownies warmed up and served with ice cream on top. Regardless of portion size, I can eat ever single last little bite if it's put in front of me. On the occasions where I might be tempted now, I either split the desert with someone or I leave half of it on my plate. A HUGE move forward for me.

    I am also fortunate that my husband likes types of sweets that I'm not so keen on, so I don't have to worry about him bringing things in that might trigger overeating.
  • nmarcus
    nmarcus Posts: 17 Member
    i like that idea. You are right i also eat by the counter. I will try what you said. thanks