New member 50+

Trying out the app
Looking to build muscle, lose weight, more cardio. Basically the same thing I’ve been doing for the past 40+ years
Anybody else doing the same?
Currently I do weight lifting 5-6 days per week and jog not more then 2 miles 2-3 days a week


  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    beginning to jog finding it hard but determined just turning 60
  • NotSoFat7O
    NotSoFat7O Posts: 9 Member
    I'm almost 53 and in better shape than when I was 43. I try and lift 5-6 times per week but I listen to my body and take a few days off if needed. I run a few days but not as much as I used to. I love running but my *kitten* old body takes longer to recover from a run than a grueling lift session 😂