Staying motivated!

How do you guys stay motivated if you work in a fast paced job and it gets HECTIC??? By the time I get home from work; cook dinner; get everything ready for the next day and spend what little time I can with my family....I am exhausted!! By the time I get my workout in; it's usually around 9 or 10 pm!!

Any suggestions???


  • Tiffysinsanity
    Tiffysinsanity Posts: 69 Member
    I have huge issues with this and I don't work. lol. It does get crazy. Is there any way you can do it in the morning. I'm totally a morning person with my work outs. I just try to tell myself You can't just quit! I'm also watching the biggest loser so If these people can do it 8 hours a day I can give Jullian 20 min. lol Good luck.
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Squeeze exercise in whenever you can, even if it's just a quick walk around the block. Or take sometime after work to exercise as a family...go ride bikes before dinner. And if you really can only exercise at 9-10pm, that's ok...choose a good workout video, like Jillian Micheals 30DS or do some yoga. Think of it as "your time" and don't let anyone interrupt it. Do what you can with what you have...You will make it !! :) Good Luck!
  • ryanfeltz
    soem people may fuss at this but I drop my kids off 30 min before school at the daycare and let their bus take my oldest to school ( its 3 blocks from the daycare) I then have an hour to myself to get my work out in before i start work..... that way it is done early before i get so crazy behind which happens EVERY FREAKIN DAY!!!!

    It cost a little extra but that seems to be the only way i can get it done...
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 578 Member
    Thanks everyone...That's what I just get up an hour early and do it in the mornings....maybe if I can get to bed earlier at night; it won't bother me to wake up an hour or hour and a half earlier to work out!!! =]
  • catlover98611
    catlover98611 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't work out, but I have a crazy hectic job I love and two kids in college and I life turned upside down. Each day I do the best I can with what I have and let tomorrow arrive with it's new challenges.