Help! The pounds stopped shedding.

Hey everyone,

So I was very excited once I started shedding the pounds. I quickly lost 10lbs in one month. My calorie counter was suggesting I eat 1,450 calories a day, But I was averaging 1,200-1,300. Recently myfitnesspal has adjusted to 1,350 calorie intake per day. It's been three weeks since I shed the 10lbs now I'm lucky if I get an average of 1lb lose a week. I'm getting frustrated. Is anyone having the same problem? and what can I do?

Side note: I do work out at least 5x a week for 45min-1hr. I'm starting to wonder if it's a possibility that I've just developed muscle and the muscle weight is whats causing the slow weight lose.


  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    It sounds like you need to up your net calorie intake.
  • If you are exercising that much, sounds like you need to be eating more. I know it sounds funny - eat more to lose weight, but if you don't give your body the fuel it needs - it will shut down thinking you are starving yourself and you just won't lose weight. Give it a week - bump up your calories and see if it helps. Good luck!
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    Have you done your measurements? You could have lost inches, which are great too!
  • Charise317
    Charise317 Posts: 33 Member
    Might be losing inches and not pounds. Try taking your measurements
  • doogerbeck
    doogerbeck Posts: 3 Member
    I hit plateaus along the way. I even stayed the same weight for nearly 3 weeks while my body fights the loss of stored energy. I finally broke the plateau and began to lose more weight. All the while I kept my exercise and calories the same week in and week out. I expect another plateau in a few more pounds and will have to remember it is all part of the process. Hang in there, you will hit your goals just not as fast as you would like.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    10 lbs in a month is a great start. keep in mind that for most folks, the body needs to take breaks and can't burn a ton of weight every week/month. if you're still losing about a pound a week, then pounds have not stopped shedding. a 1 lb/week loss is pretty normal. its doubtful that you added the weight in a few months (I know I did not) and its unlikely that you will find a healthy way to remove the weight quickly. it will come off if you stick to your healthy lifestyle.

    and, as someone suggested, you may not be eating enough. you should be eating back at least half of your exercise calories, on top of the 1,350 set by MFP
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    It's pretty normal to lose a lot of weight at first and then have your loss rate taper off. One pound a week is a pretty good rate of loss, especially if you want to sustain the weight loss once you reach your goal. Losing it too quickly can backfire, sometimes. So IMO you don't really need to do anything differently. Sounds like you're plugging away just fine. :)
  • monrodrig2786
    monrodrig2786 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone! Is there a way I can adjust my calorie intake on myfitnesspal? Considering how much I exercise I'm surprised it didn't adjust my new calorie intake based on my workouts. I'm staying positive lets see how this week goes.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Thanks everyone! Is there a way I can adjust my calorie intake on myfitnesspal? Considering how much I exercise I'm surprised it didn't adjust my new calorie intake based on my workouts. I'm staying positive lets see how this week goes.

    when you enter your exercise calories for a given day, your calorie allotment automatically goes up for that day. for example, my MFP calorie intake without exercise is 1270. today I burned 455 calories from running. I entered the exercise on MFP and it showed my calorie target today was 1725.
  • Thanks everyone! Is there a way I can adjust my calorie intake on myfitnesspal?

    Go to Settings Up at the top of the page. Click on Update diet/fitness profile and then change your "What is your goal?" field to something less extreme.
  • ReginasHorror
    ReginasHorror Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks everyone! Is there a way I can adjust my calorie intake on myfitnesspal? Considering how much I exercise I'm surprised it didn't adjust my new calorie intake based on my workouts. I'm staying positive lets see how this week goes.

    You have to eat back your workout calories, but if you go to 'Goals' under the My Home tab, you can adjust yoru goals. 1 pound a wekk is most reccomended by the site :)