Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
I just restarted with MFP and found this group. It sounds perfect for me.
My goal for 2023 is to get the healthiest I have ever been. I turn 60 in Dec and want to be a healthier me.
I currently weigh 232.9 lbs as of this morning. I have lost 15lbs since Oct 22. So, I'm on the right track.
I am not setting a goal weight, because every time I do that it adds more pressure to me. I honestly believe my body wil tell me when I'm there.
One thing I have decided, it's time for me to put me first,is that selfish? yes, but it's time. I always worry about everyone else, and put me and my health to the back burner. Well, after taking to my husband and my daughter, I've decided it's me time!
I look forward to getting to know you all and I plan to stay engaged in this group.
If any want to add me as a friend I would like that.
from BC Canada


  • meagop
    meagop Posts: 30 Member
    Hello Angie!
    I'm in Alberta and turn 60 next week. I tipped the scale at 208 pounds this time last year and have been up and down since, even getting to 187 before climbing again to 195, where I am right now.
    It sounds as if we are in a similar place, wanting to take better care of ourselves at this stage in life.
    I was on Spark for many years, losing 40 pounds to reach my goal of 150 six years ago, before the Big M hit me hard, and then I did another degree while working full time, followed by the Covid years. Egads. I joined MyFitnessPal today and am figuring out how the system works.
    I can't promise to be the most faithful correspondent here, since my life is very busy, but I did want to respond to you and let you know there is someone out there who is in a similar situation to yours!
    Happy New Year, and may we all have a happy, healthier 2023!