A cliche Start

cmurisan Posts: 2 Member
edited February 2023 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone I am at the worst mind body and spirit. In 2017 I was in the best shape of my life something I had worked so hard to achieve and I really can't tell you why I let myself go all over again and this time worse than the last. Its a new year. Im 33 and I want to just feel better my goals won't be my old size 4 or 130lbs but to just make better choices lose a few inches to feel better and also because I snore now. My husband said he thinks im going to die in my sleep and it makes me nervous and embarrassed. Im to young to be like this limping cause the weight. I really need someone along this journey any tips encouragement will be of help.


  • SaushaLyn
    SaushaLyn Posts: 193 Member
    Girl I feel ya! I was fit and fab in 2015 2016 then....everything changed. I have such a problem with emotional, bored, and binge eating. This has to be my last "new start" my back is almost out my ankle hurts daily and I dont even want to go out in public except to go to work. I will be 33 this month. My goal is to be under 200 by summer. I got back on here, because I need to join in on some of these conversations and add some new friends. I have 0 motivation, but I know we can do this!