How to - at loss! Calorie deficit, how much calories

Hi - I have been on and off the app for a few years now and I really struggle losing any weight - I feel like 1,200 calories isn’t enough to not be in “starvation mode” but when I try to eat more I gain weight, I exercise moderately, run or exercise a few times a week, I tried to walk 10,000 steps at least a few times a week when work allows, eat healthy, have some treats here and there…I think my biggest issue is consistency and weighting food but I find it so hard to be consistent when you don’t see any results while trying so hard, and it is a vicious circle! Any advice?


  • sherig_70
    sherig_70 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! It is a very vicious cycle, and I'm sure you know that weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. I follow Syatt Fitness on Instagram or YouTube. His advice on how to set your calories has worked for me and it's simple. Just multiply your GOAL body weight by 12. (For example. Goal body weight is 150 x 12 = 1,800 calories). In the beginning, I'm not worried about carbs and fats. Weight loss ONLY happens in a calorie deficit. The macros dictate the nutrient property of the food you're eating. Stay consistent and don't worry about the scale. Your weight can fluctuate up or down by 5 lbs in a day due to many factors. Key point, your body takes a bit of time to adjust so give it about 4 weeks before you decide to change anything.

    I hope this helps.
  • sbelletti
    sbelletti Posts: 213 Member
    1. Starvation mode is a myth.
    2. Exercise is great for burning some calories and overall health, but weight loss starts in the kitchen.
    3. The beginning of a diet and exercise can cause some strange scale fluctuations, and females will also see fluctuations every month. So... Commit to 6 weeks of doing whatever your plan is (diet, exercise or both) and THEN check your results.
    4. Some people find daily weigh-ins helpful. Others find the fluctuations damaging. Consider if daily, weekly or monthly weigh-ins are right for you.
    5. Diet and calorie counting is crucial to success, so get a kitchen scale, measure and log every single thing you eat or drink and adjust every few weeks as needed.
    6. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Start with small goals. They add up!

    You CAN do it, and there are plenty of us here to help so don't be afraid to ask for help!
  • Sheridansq
    Sheridansq Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both 🙏 getting on the scale everyday is something I do knowing it is so counterproductive :/ I am going to hide it away!