HELP! So, I have been sticking close around 1200 calories and documenting EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth. I started walking 20 mins a day with my accountability partner and now am doing about 30-40 (some days doing hills). My clothes still fit the same so I made an appointment with a doctor to get my levels tested (thyroid, cholestoral, sugar level, etc.) to see if there is some medical reason why the weight isn't coming off. I got on the scale, and I have gained 4 pounds since I started MFP :(

I am so frustrated that I ate three pieces of pizza after the appointment because I thought... "whats the point"? I woke up today with a new attitude and have been eating healthy again. However, I am very frustrated. I have been doing MFP for three or four weeks now (excercising for two straight weeks).

Once again... HELP!!!!!!!


  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    if you make your diary public it will help people give advice
  • margaretpf
    When did you start your diet and exercise? how close to 1200 cal a day are you sticking? How much of your intake is from simple carbs/startch?
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Are you eating enough ? 1200 is quite low if you have lots of lbs to lose.
  • monrodrig2786
    monrodrig2786 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't give up! I'm going through the same thing right now. It is frustrating I know first hand. I've been averaging the same calorie intake. I have two theories one being that you've developed muscle or I'm wondering since we've lowered our calorie intake it might have slowed down my metabolism.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    its difficult to pinpoint the reason for this without access to your food journal, but here are some thoughts that might be happening:

    1. you're not eating enough. perhaps 1,200 calories isn't enough to keep your body out of starvation mode...especially if you're not also eating your exercise calories.

    2. you're not drinking enough water. if you don't drink enough water, its hard for the liver to process out the bad stuff since it will be spending its time helping the kidneys.

    3. of the calories you're eating, too many of them are in some form of bread/grains/pasta. try cutting out bread/grains/pasta for a week and see if that helps.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    if you make your diary public it will help people give advice

    ^ yep this

    Also if you are not eating back your exercise calories your body may be holding on to the weight (starvation mode)'s important to log everything accurately and eat all your calories.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    Open your diary for us please.
  • ChubbyMIgurl
    Open your diary for us please.

    How do I do this?
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    Open your diary for us please.

    How do I do this?

    Under account settings I believe
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    your body may have gone into starvation mode?
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    HELP! So, I have been sticking close around 1200 calories and documenting EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth. I started walking 20 mins a day with my accountability partner and now am doing about 30-40 (some days doing hills). My clothes still fit the same so I made an appointment with a doctor to get my levels tested (thyroid, cholestoral, sugar level, etc.) to see if there is some medical reason why the weight isn't coming off. I got on the scale, and I have gained 4 pounds since I started MFP :(

    I am so frustrated that I ate three pieces of pizza after the appointment because I thought... "whats the point"? I woke up today with a new attitude and have been eating healthy again. However, I am very frustrated. I have been doing MFP for three or four weeks now (excercising for two straight weeks).

    Once again... HELP!!!!!!!

    Eat more.
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    You may want to try adding some strength training to your exercise program. I walk about 30 minutes a day including hills to take my kids to school and it really doesn't burn that many calories. It's a great exercise, but I would add strength too.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    besides opening your diary... I am in a similar boat. I had a week off diet and since then the weight loss is different. (gaining or no loss) You probably have to shake up your work out and increase the cardio. also heavy sodium can cause a spike and i have yet to find anything processed that is low sodium. If you open your diary we could also see if you body is getting enough, too much or not enough. "starvation mode" is not a myth (never thought i would say that). good luck
  • rdbailey92
    rdbailey92 Posts: 5 Member
    Hang in there, everybody has their ups and downs. I gained three pounds, but can't let that bother me. I try staying off the scale and only weigh once a week. There could be a lot of different things that could alter your weight.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    1200 is a bit low when you have 50 lbs to lose. Especially if you're exercising :smile:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    sorry to hear that..but you need to keep in mind..whenever you add a new exercise..your body will retain some water to "heal" those muscles which are being used in a different way..It happened to trust me..if thats the will drop off..

    could also be that maybe 1200 is too low a calorie for you..ask your doc..cause if you are doing a fair amount of probably need to up your calories..

    Good luck..and awesome job with waking up with a brand new attitude..
  • Maria_Goose
    You may need to up your excercise. You know, make it more intense.

    Did you try some sort of starvation diet before starting MFP? This slows down your metabolism drastically. Now, if you're eating your alloted calories each day, your body may be hoarding them thanks to the drop in metabolism.

    Keep going! Don't get disheartened! Cling to that positive attitude and push through!
  • catlover98611
    catlover98611 Posts: 38 Member
    I am writing from the viewpoint of food being an addiction for ME and not saying that it is for YOU or anyone else, so please don't start bashing me. I joined here 2 years ago and maintained a 170 weight for almost a year, even exercising like crazy, eating all my calories, blah blah blah. I left a year ago feeling anxious and depressed. In Nov of 2010 I joined a 12 step program that deals with food addiction. I work with a sponsor and was given a food plan that I follow on a daily basis. Basically, I do not eat flour or sugar products at all, eat 3 balanced meals, consume water, and don't exercise because I have a busy hectic job that I love that uses all the calories I take in. The more I lost, the more I had to eat. I have lost 70 pounds, am at goal, and a little under. At 56 years old I am at my high school grad weight but because I don't drink or smoke or do drugs or over eat junk foods, I am in better shape now than I ever was then. Add me as a friend if you want to hear more.
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    Options weighed 4 pounds heavier on the doctor's scale than the one at home? If the answer is yes, I'm not surprised. I weigh 5 pounds heavier at the drs office as I have on clothes and shoes. Something to consider.
  • stronglikebull
    if you got on the scale at the doctor's office, you were wearing clothes. you had probably also eaten already that day, yeah? and maybe hadn't used the bathroom 'fully'? don't trip out too much. if we can see your diary we can give you better advice based on a clearer picture too.