I'm gonna do it, a 5k help!!!!

one of my good friends is a marathon runner and she has inspired me to finally run my first 5k. I used to jog off and on in the past but other than a revlon run walk I've never attached that entry number on my chest for the sole purpose of finishing the run for myself. I aspire one day to run an actual marathon, but I truly believe in baby steps.

Anyone out there who has completed an run, please drop your inspirations here.


  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I haven't yet, but my first one is next weekend. I'm feeling that this will be my starting point to getting better. I'll have a baseline, and I can only improve on it from there. :) Good luck! :)
  • CarlyC08
    The couch to 5k program is great, takes 2 months if you start at the beginning. I may be trying it again starting next week if you want to join me?
  • scottppa
    scottppa Posts: 31 Member
    I'm on the couch to 5K program right now - my first 5K is on Oct. 29. My only goal for it right now is to run it all the way and to finish strong. Go for it, and I wish you luck!
  • CrystalThin
    CrystalThin Posts: 20 Member
    My pending race is November 20. More than enough time to get serious.i want to jog the whole way. I feel it's just the beginning as well. Good luck next weekend!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I love 5k's!! I did my first one in April 2010. I did a whole bunch more after that... then earlier this year, I tried a 10k. Then last weekend, I ran my first half marathon! Whoo hoo! I really enjoy it. There is just something about being able to slap on my sneakers and go for a run outside and enjoy the birds twittering in the trees... and now, I smell ripe grapes outside. I can do it on vacation.

    Anyways... 5k are fun! It is a fun distance to do.
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    I did my first 5K in June and loved it! Since then I have done 2 more and will be doing 3 more before the end of the year. They are a great place to get used to racing if that is what you are looking into. My cousin and her husband run marathons all the time and they have both said that running is the best sport that you can ever do because everybody cheers for everybody else. The feeling when you cross the finnish line for the first time is like no other! Walk, run, jog, "wog" - what ever you end up doing, make the most of it and enjoy. Congratulations :) Oh, and they do become very addictive; they are like chips - you can't stop at one.
  • CrystalThin
    CrystalThin Posts: 20 Member
    I'm on the couch to 5K program right now - my first 5K is on Oct. 29. My only goal for it right now is to run it all the way and to finish strong. Go for it, and I wish you luck!

    Thanks... May I ask how did you lose 32 pounds so far?
  • CrystalThin
    CrystalThin Posts: 20 Member
    I did my first 5K in June and loved it! Since then I have done 2 more and will be doing 3 more before the end of the year. They are a great place to get used to racing if that is what you are looking into. My cousin and her husband run marathons all the time and they have both said that running is the best sport that you can ever do because everybody cheers for everybody else. The feeling when you cross the finnish line for the first time is like no other! Walk, run, jog, "wog" - what ever you end up doing, make the most of it and enjoy. Congratulations :) Oh, and they do become very addictive; they are like chips - you can't stop at one.

    Lol... An addiction I look forward to.
  • sgha
    sgha Posts: 225
    In my "other life" I used to do a lot of races. Of course, I was nervous at first, but that wore off. HAVE FUN. It's such a rewarding experience when you cross that line. Then you can wear the shirt with pride. Wear your number AND do it for yourself. I look forward to reading about it after the run. You will do great, and most likely get hooked. I hope you keep us informed. :happy:
  • malloriewebb
    I do a 5k every month and they are not as intimidating as you might think! I love the 2 minute run and 1 minute walk interval plan. Its awesome and you still finish refreshed! Good luck! Try to throw in two 10k's a year! You will feel so awesome!

  • CrystalThin
    CrystalThin Posts: 20 Member
    Great stuff ladies... Keep it coming.
  • KiteGirl83
    I did C25K as well, and started at week 4 or 5. I found a 3k race, and did that halfway through, and I really caught the "race bug." Every time I finish a race, I allow myself to register for one more. I have one on the calendar for a year from now- a 10 miler, and that's what gets my butt out the door most days. When I'm registered for a race I really make myself go.

    I love the website coolrunning.com, that's where I found the C25k program, and lots of other cool stuff.

    Also, if you have an iPod or iPhone- it's TOTALLY worth the $23 to buy Nike +. It tracks my runs and gives me motivational "updates" throughout my run- telling me I'm "halfway there!" and when I run further than I have before, some athlete (I never recognize them) says congratulations. I don't have Nike shoes, just use an adaptor. I bought that for myself as a running reward after finishing the C25k program. (I bought a .99 cent app for my phone for the C25k interval training.)
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Running my first 5K since having my baby (2 years ago) in October. I'm not quite at the point I can run all of it, but I'm working on it. It's my goal to finish without stopping to walk!
  • CrystalThin
    CrystalThin Posts: 20 Member
    I did C25K as well, and started at week 4 or 5. I found a 3k race, and did that halfway through, and I really caught the "race bug." Every time I finish a race, I allow myself to register for one more. I have one on the calendar for a year from now- a 10 miler, and that's what gets my butt out the door most days. When I'm registered for a race I really make myself go.

    I love the website coolrunning.com, that's where I found the C25k program, and lots of other cool stuff.

    Also, if you have an iPod or iPhone- it's TOTALLY worth the $23 to buy Nike +. It tracks my runs and gives me motivational "updates" throughout my run- telling me I'm "halfway there!" and when I run further than I have before, some athlete (I never recognize them) says congratulations. I don't have Nike shoes, just use an adaptor. I bought that for myself as a running reward after finishing the C25k program. (I bought a .99 cent app for my phone for the C25k interval training.)

    Thanks for the info, it's really good to find a motivating product.
  • gwp42
    Congrats. You will feel a great sense of pride once finished. Take everything in and enjoy the journey. Each step gets easier.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I second the C25k plan. I couldn't jog a block in all seriousness.

    I ran my first 5k last Oct, then a few more, then my first 10k in May and a few more now I have my first half marathon on Oct 9th.

    Take it slow at first. A lot of folks work on speed right away but work on 'jogging' no matter how slowly the entire segments on the C25k.

    Getting fitted for shoes was a must for me.
  • scottppa
    scottppa Posts: 31 Member
    I'm on the couch to 5K program right now - my first 5K is on Oct. 29. My only goal for it right now is to run it all the way and to finish strong. Go for it, and I wish you luck!

    Thanks... May I ask how did you lose 32 pounds so far?

    I'm flattered you asked!

    I've lost this weight by:
    1. Being obsessively accurate in recording my calories on MFP (I NEVER realized how much of an issue I had with portion control!) and measuring my portions (investing 20 bucks in a good food scale has been the best decision I've made).
    2. Sticking to my alloted calories daily.
    3. Forcing myself to get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. I've gone from forcing myself to exercise to being grumpy on days I DON'T exercise.
    4. Weighing in only once a week so I don't get crazy over it.
    5. Realizing it was time a little over 90 days ago and committing myself to the journey. Sounds a little New Age, I know, but I've seesawed up and down over the last 10 years and I haven't had this much success in the past -- now I'm 100% committed to it.

    Don't know if that helps or not, but it's how I've done it. It was nice of you to ask -- thank you!
  • CrystalThin
    CrystalThin Posts: 20 Member
    I'm on the couch to 5K program right now - my first 5K is on Oct. 29. My only goal for it right now is to run it all the way and to finish strong. Go for it, and I wish you luck!

    Thanks... May I ask how did you lose 32 pounds so far?

    I'm flattered you asked!

    This is great. I am already on board obsessively with Mfp. I can't wait to start my 5k. Getting sneakers today!

    I've lost this weight by:
    1. Being obsessively accurate in recording my calories on MFP (I NEVER realized how much of an issue I had with portion control!) and measuring my portions (investing 20 bucks in a good food scale has been the best decision I've made).
    2. Sticking to my alloted calories daily.
    3. Forcing myself to get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. I've gone from forcing myself to exercise to being grumpy on days I DON'T exercise.
    4. Weighing in only once a week so I don't get crazy over it.
    5. Realizing it was time a little over 90 days ago and committing myself to the journey. Sounds a little New Age, I know, but I've seesawed up and down over the last 10 years and I haven't had this much success in the past -- now I'm 100% committed to it.

    Don't know if that helps or not, but it's how I've done it. It was nice of you to ask -- thank you!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just keep in mind it's only 3.1 miles and if you're fit, it isn't that far to go. It's "official," which can make it intimidating, but it's still only 3.1 miles!

    Go for it.

    And if you have to walk some, that's OK. It's not unusual for people to walk a little bit during races.
  • miller3412
    Thats awesome!