Looking for friends on here with similar health goals


I'm a habitual crash dieter who's finally making it work. My weight crept up by over 50lb between the ages of 20-25ish, I managed to not gain (and yo-yo lose and regain the same 20lb repeatedly) more weight, but my lifestyle was an unhealthy mix of complete physical inactivity, restricting, and binging.

I'm 29 now. A couple of months ago I started to make some meaningful changes to my lifestyle: get rid of factors that were making me emotionally eat, become more active (starting with gentle yoga and walking places where I would usually take the bus), and raising my calorie counting goal from the 1200 a day I would struggle with, to my BMR (1500~) most days with some 1200 days in between. I'm not outright restricting the foods I eat; I'm trying to hit 100g of protein and have less than 39g of sugar but I'm not beating myself up if I don't manage either of those. I'm wearing clothes I haven't fit into since I was 22. My skin and hair look amazing. I'm so happy!

I'd really like some friends on here for mutual encouragement and inspiration - I love seeing what other people eat and talking about what I eat! I feel really blessed that my relationship with food is transforming from an alternation of disgust and faux-comfort to something beautiful and nourishing and I'd love to share that with other people here. Feel free to add me without sending a message first :)


  • livchristian10
    livchristian10 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the unhealthy lifestyle stage right now, and it's really motivated me by reading your progress!! I'll definitely add you 🙃
  • livchristian10
    livchristian10 Posts: 3 Member
    It's my first day and I literally can not figure out how to add people 🤦‍♀️