Plans for a Happier New Year!

Peppegal Posts: 39 Member
I am starting out today on a healthier new year. I am 10 pounds less than last year but it remains I need to keep on working at it. I tried some intermittent fasting and felt binging. Right now, I am exercising and making the changes I know work for me. Be well and keep growing strong! 💙💪💙


  • sunnydaydreams
    sunnydaydreams Posts: 4 Member
    Having Yo-yo dieted for years and years - lost the weight then put it (and more) back on. I have also started intermittent fasting after a chat with a friend who swears by it. I'm starting of on 12:12 for a few weeks then will progress to 14:10 then 16:8.
    One of my issues is that my partner prefers to eat later than I do, so often we have our evening meal around 8pm. And I am up for work at 5.30am and can't function with out a few coffee's first thing even though I wouldn't normally eat breakfast until about 9 - I had unsweentened black coffee today for the first time (normally I'm a milk and sugar gal) it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and gave me the caffeine boost I needed.
    I just wish I could get motivated to exercise more. I do around 12,000 steps a day but could really do with adding something more to that - but don't really know what - I don't have the time, money or inclination to join a gym, I'm out of the house from 6 til 6 during the week and have a family at home too.
  • Peppegal
    Peppegal Posts: 39 Member
    I lost weight last year working on a fasting and did better and better because I added fiber to every meal. I was eating lighter in the evenings and getting used to it. Once I get off track though I'm not that good at getting back on so New Year, another try.