To weigh in or not to weigh in... THAT is the question!

Okay, so I'm terrified to weigh myself. I'm pretty sure I'm hovering around 158 but OMG, what if I've broken the 160 barrier?!?! Until this year, I never broke 150 and now I might have broken 160. I keep telling myself that I should weigh in no matter what so I'll really know what I'm losing but the husband says just go by how my clothes fit. The thought of getting on the scale is nauseating. Anyone else struggle with getting on the scale? Do you weigh in weekly? I know weight is just a number, but it sure as hell is scary when it's a much bigger number than it was a year ago!

Also, anyone ever try South Beach? Your thoughts on it?


  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I am guessing it can go one of two it will depress you and you wont do anything about it and start gaining more!!...or it will be the kick in the butt you need to do something about it.

    If you are here more than likely it will be the lattter. You have the tools you need and I think weighing in will give you the motivation.
  • KiteGirl83
    I'd say do it. You have to know! It can be disappointing to find out, but it's not the biggest deal. And it can be changed! So the number you see is not permanent, and it's not an indication of WHO you are...just what you weigh.
  • kaywhyzcu
    I use to think that to...but if you never look that doesnt mean the problem isnt there. Just think, all the stress you might be feeling about weighing can be replaced with: Well now I know so lets get on it!
  • micahnelson
    micahnelson Posts: 92 Member
    Don't be afraid of the truth. The higher the number is the more you have to lose, which will be more impressive when you say "I lost X Lbs!". Get on the scale and own it. You earned those lbs through eating, you will burn them through exercise and diet. You made yourself that way, and thats great because it means you can change yourself.

    You are in control, the scale is just giving you information about yourself. You chose to gain, now you are choosing to lose. Scale just lets you know how effective it is. Don't be scared, be a damn tiger!
  • Letty_c
    Letty_c Posts: 278 Member
    I say get on that scale!!!! It will help you know where you need to go and will be a building block.... If not it would be like running through a maze with the lights off and a blind fold..... That's at least what I think
  • glitterpiss
    I'm always relieved when I get on the scale, because I finally know. It motivates me to know where I'm at and then set a short term goal from there. The number on your scale is only temporary when you are working toward a goal, so don't get too worked up over it.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, but only record on Friday. I have been over the 160 mark and it is a bummer, but when you see the numbers start to go do feel proud of yourself that you managed to do it!!

    I weigh myself everyday because if it goes up a pound I know that the next day I need to take it easy on what I eat.

    Good Luck on your decision.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Okay, you've motivated me to take on a "JUST DO IT" attitude. I'll be weighing in tomorrow morning first thing and I'm even going to add it to my signature just to keep myself honest. Thanks all for the motivation!!! LOVE these message boards!