My second Day on app

Hi! My name is Crystal. It’s always a good day to try something new and beneficial. Now is the time to take full accountability. 🤎


  • OnTheRoad24
    OnTheRoad24 Posts: 217 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Crystal! Feel free to add me as a friend, ask questions or trade recipes and ideas. 😃
  • azoutte
    azoutte Posts: 13 Member
    Best time to make this kind of change in your life? Today!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,615 Member
    azoutte wrote: »
    Best time to make this kind of change in your life? Today!

    Absolutely! All we have is this moment right now. Tomorrow is a vision, and yesterday is a memory. Time to get started. Along the way, if you stumble, don't wait for tomorrow to get back up and get going again. Do it immediately!
  • robg19822020
    robg19822020 Posts: 15 Member
    I’m getting a kick start myself, lots injuries recently
  • FitGymTim
    FitGymTim Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Crystal, no better time than now... Add for support if u'd like... Lets go!!!!!
  • KimberlinaB
    KimberlinaB Posts: 4,017 Member
    Hi Crystal! Welcome, glad you're feeling motivated! I'll add you as a friend! I'm active here.