Weigh Lifting Help

I will be starting to add weigh lifting to my routine in the next couple of week, and I am not sure where to start. I need to know what machines to do (I don't really want to use free weights until I understand how to use them correctly), what weight to start at, number of reps and number of sets for each.

Does anyone have a routine that they can share with me?

I don't want to bulk up, just trim a bit.



  • GKCD
    GKCD Posts: 1
    Do you have a YMCA near you? They have a great program (ActivTrax) that is self-guided through the machines after an introduction with the trainer. It is included in membership. Otherwise I'd recommend doing at least one session with a trainer to get started to avoid injury. Good luck
  • qkiley
    Weightlifting is a great thing to add to your routine!

    I don't have a routine to share with you, but I will say that if you have the opportunity to work with a trainer even just once or twice, it can really help.

    I started with weight lifting on my own and it was ok. But once I started working with a trainer, they really made sure my form was good and got me set with a few routines.

    Not saying you need a trainer, lots of people reach their goals without them. Just wanted to share that it has been a really good experience for me when I wanted to get started with weights.
  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    I recommend a book called "The New Rules of Lifting for Women". It has alot of great information for women who strength train. Also, Oxygen Magazine has great routines in their monthly magazines. Most gyms have Circuits that you can do where you run through the machines consecutively and repeat, that's a good place to start as well.

    And, finally, fitness videos from Jackie Warner explain technique as well as sequence. I really like her Power Circuit video if you want to do something at home.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Start with the largest muscles and go backwards

    Arms and calves
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You will not bulk up. As a woman, we can't.

    I did the whole New Rules of Lifting for Women routine and it yielded great results for me. I increased my strength three-fold and lost some body fat. Highly recommend this book.
  • Cakepiebeer
    Yea.. dont worry at all about getting bulky. Theres no possible way youll be able to ever look bulky from lifting weights. A woman has to take an extreme route to pursue the mass of a body builder. So dont worry at all :-)
  • roseheart79
    roseheart79 Posts: 14 Member
    Def try the New rules of weit lifting for women!