Do you do this?

When you've logged your calories in for the day, do you eat more if you've exercised? I've seen some people do either way. Which is better? Exercising with or without replacing the calories???


  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    I try to do lower carb on my cardio days and a balanced carb day on my weights day.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    you'll get mixed anwsers from people but I usually eat mine. I think of it if I'm gonna drive a longer distance I'm gonna need more fuel. If I"m just staying in town (aka not excercising) I don't need as much fuel.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    The 36th way of asking "eat back or not eat back". LOL.
  • I've adjusted my diet to match the MFP recommended amount (1650 cal) - excercise I treat as a bonus and don't eat extra to balance it
  • ilike2run
    ilike2run Posts: 34 Member
    I agree...and, especially if you're lifting, you need extra protein for muscle recovery. I always try to watch my carbs...things are less "jiggly" that way, :)
  • I just started, but I seem to be eating back only a portion, but I plan to do it based on the ammount of exercise. If its a long strenuous workout I plan to eat back at least 50-75% of the calories, but if it was short or not too intense, then I will probably not eat back or maybe eat back 25-50%... I dunno...
  • Okay, thanks for your answers guys.
  • I used to eat back the calories, but i dont do that anymore.
  • The 36th way of asking "eat back or not eat back". LOL.

    I'm not going to scour through hundreds of pages in the message boards. Thanks though love. :flowerforyou:

    LOL :wink: