Looking for support

Hi! After baby #3 i am struggling eith the last 30lbs. Looking for people to help support each other and become friends. If you have an apple watch im looking to add people too!


  • Dinadoll83
    Dinadoll83 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey girl! I have an Apple Watch and also looking to lose 30 or so pounds. Let’s challenge and hold each other accountable!
  • Zakypoo40
    Zakypoo40 Posts: 12 Member
    I am looking to lose 35-40 lbs and am looking for friends as well. I have an Apple Watch and would love to connect with both of you to help keep me accountable.
  • chriseditcool
    chriseditcool Posts: 39 Member
    Hello I would love to have you as a friend. We all need to encourage one another. I have an Apple Watch too!
  • Rachelw124
    Rachelw124 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! I've also just had baby number 3! I don't have an apple watch but would love to be a sense of support as getting my body back this time is already more of a challenge this time around. Wanting to lose 35-40 pounds
  • CaliZig111
    CaliZig111 Posts: 10 Member
    Apple Watch the best 😀
  • editcoolchris
    editcoolchris Posts: 11 Member
    Hello and welcome! I hope you can achieve your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • asandoval91
    asandoval91 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I’m looking to lose about 30lbs idk where to start . I just gave birth to twin baby girls 4 months ago and went back to work full time . I have 4 kids in total so looking to find time to exercise and lose weight.
  • robg19822020
    robg19822020 Posts: 15 Member
    What does Apple Watch do….I have one, but does it link data?
  • riah_z_25
    riah_z_25 Posts: 3 Member
    Ooo I would love to be held accountable as well. I have an Apple Watch and would love to be challenged!