loose skin ?!?!

so im sure alot of people have similar issues, regarding extra skin. for me its only noticeable on my breasts. i have lost 50 pounds so far and im hoping to loose another 25, but my boobs have just deflated! im so self concious about it because at my age of 22 they are expected to be perky. i definately want to get a breast augmentation once i reach my goal..but its hard to feel confident right now especially if i were to date someone. anyone else have similar expiriences? is there any non surgical way to maybe tighten up? any response is appreciated!


  • kalebsmama07
    bump....i know upper body workout will help like lifting weights....i have seen a diff when i was going to the gym...
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    I'd like to know too. I've lost over 50 lbs a few years ago and mine look like granny boobs. (I'm 33.) After 5 years at this weight, nothing has improved about the loose skin. I'm scared to see what happens when I lose ANOTHER 50 to get to my goal...
  • fromnebraska
    fromnebraska Posts: 153 Member
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
  • mesafford
    mesafford Posts: 56 Member
    This issue plagues me too! I am only 26. I am at my goal weight. I have a great workout routine that consists of strength training and cardio. I am in the best shape of my life. But my boobs sag and have a lot of extra skin. Unfortunately, I also have stretched/saggy skin on my stomach. Now, I have had (and nursed) two babies, so that definitely contributed to my loose skin. But when I was heavier my chest was VERY large. Now they've shrunk to a B cup and they look straight to the floor. Super unattractive. I have no tips for you- I also want a boob job (and a tummy tuck). But I can say I feel your pain!!! I remind myself daily that it is worth being healthy and fit. :)
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    My best suggestion is upper body and chest exercises to help boost the muscles in that area.

    Mine shrunk a cup and a half and sag more than before but my husband doesn't care. I found some bras with a lift and everything looks great. If the guy really cares about you he won't leave you because you took care of yourself and lost weight but lost some breast fat.