yesterday i ate so much, what should i do today to balance i

yesterday i overate BADLY, ending up eating 3500 calories, which is crazy! i havent eaten that much in months! i usually eat 1100-1400 calories a day with exercise. so im just wondering to fix this huge mess, should i exercise heaps today and not eat as much? i dont want to sound stupid, but if i eat 600 calories today and burn them off - wouldnt that balance everything out? i just really dont want to gain or stall my weightloss. thanks!


  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Personally I would eat on the light side of normal + exercise, but I wouldn't do anything drastic.
  • versuga
    versuga Posts: 130 Member
    I did the same thing! Last Saturday I ate over 3000 cals! I just dropped it to 1000 the next day, then ate my normal for the rest of this week...and I didn't gain anything. I continued my normal exercise routine.
  • Foxzy
    Foxzy Posts: 38
    Just start tomorrow as a new day. Don't dwell on the past, we all overindulge and it is okay :)
  • lkblazek
    Stop worrying about it just get back on track. We all do it.
  • ajk828
    ajk828 Posts: 335
    just think of your username and ask yourself: is 600 calories for the day really the smart and HEALTHY decision here?
  • tired90smom
    Eat a lot more protein today. Protein is supposed to act like a negative calorie food, i.e. it takes more calories to digest it than what you take in with it. It's best when you take in a lot of calories like that to be sure and eat protein along with it to counter balance it.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Stop worrying about it just get back on track. We all do it.

    Yep. If you mess up, acknowledge and move on. Don't try to "make up" for it. The best thing you can do it hit your targets as close as possible as often as possible.
  • Natley
    Natley Posts: 58 Member
    Just start tomorrow as a new day. Don't dwell on the past, we all overindulge and it is okay :)
  • steller14
    It's ok...just hit your goals for today. That's all we have is today. Take Care.
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    Please eat more than 600 calories today!

    This happens to people all the time, so don't worry. Most of the time, it jumpstarts your metabolism and you start losing more after because your body is getting rid of all that extra food and then some. =)

    (This happens of course for people who are very committed to the program and don't overeat on a regular basis.)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. Just get back on track. When i was losing (I'm pregnant now) I would take two days off each week and wouldn't count calories. I'd eat out at restaurants, have some junk food if I wanted it, etc. I never had a problem losing.
  • PhilipHall
    PhilipHall Posts: 37 Member
    Go back to your normal eating habit. Your metabolism will kick in and burn it off. A lot of people do that once a week to boost the metabolism. Just ask 4theking. He is down to about 9% bf and eats 1700 cals everyday except on Friday. Friday he eats about 4000 cals including ice cream, donuts and pizza. He drops weight every week. I hit a plateau for about 2-3 months and started this and have dropped 10 lbs in the last month.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    Drink lots of water and forget it ever happened :) DON'T DO IT AGAIN!! lol
  • marcibar
    Use each day as a new day. Recognize why you overate so you don't make it a regular thing, and then kiss yesterday goodbye. You could get dizzy if you eat 600 calories and burn 600 calories and that's it. Be careful.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Could be just the thing you needed actually if you religously eat 1100-1200 and do exercise on top of that. It's called a refeed :smile: If you had lots of carbs in there (don't we all on "binge" days) then that's a good thing also. Just go back to your regular routine now. Don't get on the scale because any gain you may have will be water weight anyway.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    WOW...I could not move eyes away from the picture. Is that your fabulous abs in the picture? LOL
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    hmmm, with a flat belly like that, I wouldn't sweat one bad day...
    just get back on track and forget about it.
  • WOW...I could not move eyes away from the picture. Is that your fabulous abs in the picture? LOL

    haha abs? really! wow yes its me, thanks!
  • hmmm, with a flat belly like that, I wouldn't sweat one bad day...
    just get back on track and forget about it.

    you think? i guess im just stressing about nothing, thanks :)
  • Jess5825
    Please eat more than 600 calories today!

    This happens to people all the time, so don't worry. Most of the time, it jumpstarts your metabolism and you start losing more after because your body is getting rid of all that extra food and then some. =)

    (This happens of course for people who are very committed to the program and don't overeat on a regular basis.)

    I'm hoping this is true. I've been having a little plateau. Today I'm eating like 2500 calories. and dropping back to 1500 tomorrow, hoping to jumpstart my weight loss again. I have a feeling I'll be up tomorrow due to sodium, but hoping it will drop quick.

    To OP, I agree just eat normal today and exercise and it should even out.