Stress Eating

Have any of you had any trouble with stress eating? If so, what did you do to stop it? I notice that if I have had a really stressful day at work that I want to go straight to a drive-thru or come home and eat an entire bags of chips in one sitting. If I give in, I love the feeling when I eat it, but then I feel guilty and mad that I did so well with my eating for the entire day until I messed it up. Do you have any hints/rules that you've made up for yourself? I'd love your input! :)


  • Michelle9939
    I am the exact same way. Right now I want to eat everything. Dinner is almost done and not sure how I am going to handle it.
  • clairibou1
    bump! i would love to know too...some weeks it happens almost daily and it makes me feel DISGUSTING! :(
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I love recipes or 100 cal packs/Smart One sundaes/Skinny Cow if I need treats. However, I try to focus on other things, stay out of the kitchen, drink water, and keep all bad food out of the house! Also, I remember the bad feelings I get whenever I do this, and sometimes it fuels me to stop. If I can, I go to the gym! :)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Happens to me all the time - it's usually related to school work. I have to have another outlet, get up and DO something. If I haven't worked out yet I will do that, go to the library, or I will go to the supermarket and get whatever I need (it's close to campus). The supermarket may not work for some if they go and buy something they will compulsively eat when they get back, but I'm usually alright.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    Working every day rlly doesn't help stress levels :/
  • DeidreJean
    DeidreJean Posts: 51 Member
    I am a huge stress eater. Sometimes chewing gum with a strong flavor (cinnamon!) helps- or brushing your teeth, if you're someplace where you can do that conveniently. I also stuck a post it on my computer at work that says, "If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not hungry."
  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    I was like this!! and still am sometimes! but now i try to hit the gym or walk or even get on here and read the message boards.
    the gym is really good and then it starts to become habit. I used to raid the pantry when i was stressed, now i just hit the gym or run. It is really a process that you have to think a lot about until you create a new..and hopefully healthier habit.

    Good luck!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I am a huge stress eater. Sometimes chewing gum with a strong flavor (cinnamon!) helps- or brushing your teeth, if you're someplace where you can do that conveniently. I also stuck a post it on my computer at work that says, "If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not hungry."

    LOVE the post it note idea!
  • yasnil2
    yasnil2 Posts: 4 Member
    Today sucked. Bad.
    All I want is frozen yogurt and a burger.

    I came home and made a salad instead.

    B/c what I'm trying to do is not eat based on my emotions. It's really hard work. But if you haven't read The Beck Diet Solution, I suggest you check it out. It teaches you really amazing tools on how to deal with all sorts of eating situations.

    Also, my thoughts are, if I eat ALL of my fruits and veggies in a day on top of my lean proteins and healthy fats and STILL want something special, then I can decide to do so, within reason. You don't want to feel deprived, but you should also try to eat all your good and healthy food FIRST and then, just have a few bites of what you are really wanting. Or save up some exercise points tomorrow and have that treat.

    Stay strong. Breathe deep. And I'll join you. next after my salad is yoga tonight.
  • tinahalliday
    I totally do the same know when I first started on this journey of weight loss back in Feb I did my workouts at about 8 or 9 o'clock at night...and I lost like when I think about it I realize that I was working out when I normally would be sitting down to eat my nightly pop and chips...I replaced one with the other...I need to do that again...instead of eat, then I sleep like a baby!

    Good luck...and I may have to take my own advice and start this up
  • SLBA
    SLBA Posts: 2
    Working out can actually increase endorphins (you know, that "runner's high"), and it helps to realize you burned enough calories to indulge just a bit.

    Other than that, I always make sure to keep a lot of water near and something small yet satisfying to munch on, such as 90 calorie pudding or the like. I also have a "stress eating, fat day" sometime late in the week. That way, it's only one day of eating badly instead of every day. Stress seems to leave just thinking about it! "Man, I'm going to eat an entire snickers bar this Thursday! If things keep up, it'll be a king size!"

    Remember, it's all about will power!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • mssweetjay
    Stress eating is the reason that got me where I was at my highest weight of 345lbs!!!! I been stress eating for years. What I had to do was not to have any trigger foods in my home!!!!! I could not at all!!!! Trigger foods included chips, ice cream, french fries and snack crackers because I would eat it all. Now I learn how to deal with my stress and learn to eat only when I am hungry. I have been working out more and to see the lbs finally drop off is my motivation!!! So in other words I had to treat myself like a addict has to treat themselves. My major change help me alot but I had to make that decision for it to work!! Hope this helps and Good luck!!
  • ReadyToLoseMoore
    ReadyToLoseMoore Posts: 13 Member
    I like that you said to treat it like an addict.. but I think that's exactly what it is! My main problem is from the time that I get off of work until my drive home. I am thinking that I will start trying to go straight to workout right after work. Then, by the time I get home, it's time for dinner!
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    I like your comment. (to treat yourself like an addict. It helps me to focus on myself that way, and to tell myself that if I start munching, I'm not just overeating, I'm encouraging an addiction. If I have the energy to exercise, even just a fast walk, that helps kick the cravings (the endorphine thing). If I have no energy after work, sometimes a power nap (set an alarm for 15 minutes) or a hot shower works. You guys who say it hits you when you are driving home, I hear you, that's the worst. That's not just stress; that's low blood sugar yelling at us. I buy low calorie snacks for diabetics; the stuff from Glucerna is especially good to take the edge off your low blood sugar. Or I can eat a chewy fruit (apples, nectarines). Most important for me is to avoid sugar and carbs that will give me a blood sugar rush. Once I get a blood sugar rush, I'm like an alcoholic who has had a drink - I just want more.