booooo such a bad food day

wellllll, today was 3 weeks and one day into my new healthy eating plan and I seriously fell off the wagon :( I ate over 2600 calories, when a normal day for me is about 1200-1250ish. I am so annoyed with myself, yet I also did enjoy eating some yummy things I had missed..I am just feeling really torn. I DO want to be healthy/thinner, but I truly do not enjoy a lot of food I have been eating. It's just frustrating :/ sorry for the vent, I am just not really sure what to do!!


  • TomehToxic
    i spent last night at my mates house, and woke up to find nothing but junk food. and couldnt get a pick up till like 8 that night? truth be told i had to do it as well, dont worry about it though, as long as you now go back to eating healtyh again youll be fine (:

    oh and remember all things are good for you ! in moderation :)
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    You can't always be good. best bet is to let it go, get in a good work out in to off set the bad day and start new on Friday.. Just don't do it every day.
  • shesblossoming
    Start making all the foods you love in healthy ways. That way you will never crave them again. Honestly, it's okay to eat foods that you love as long as it's in moderation. I know some people who are amazing at never eating certain foods again, but I like to eat what I like and stay within my calorie goal. If I know it's going to be a bad food day, I exercise and make up for it. No reason to feel guilty at all.
  • JonClaw
    JonClaw Posts: 13 Member
    I've noticed a bad day once and a while is good for the metabolism, but that's just me.

    We have our bad days, just don't make it a habit and you'll be fine. =)
  • JediMaster_intraining
    Try to eat the things you love in moderation! It's what I do! Do you think I'd give up chocolate, ice cream, or even the occasional burger forever? Hell no! :) Just plan it out in you food diary before hand! Then you can work around it and even work it off doing some exercise! Hope this helps!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Try to eat the things you love in moderation! It's what I do! Do you think I'd give up chocolate, ice cream, or even the occasional burger forever? Hell no! :) Just plan it out in you food diary before hand! Then you can work around it and even work it off doing some exercise! Hope this helps!

    Yes this and there are heathier options to most of the foods we enjoy even chocolate, for instance Danone do a lovely chocolate desert called Shape delight comes in white and caramel as well as dark that is only 109 cals per pot and it is really nice. :smile:
  • ammbbbeeeerrrrr
    You have to treat yourself! I know that every Friday, my boyfriend wants to go eat out somewhere when we do our grocery shopping, etc. Thats my one treat for the week. I know it's a "big treat" so it causes me to NOT want to binge out during the week because I'm sure I won't have a choice but to eat something pretty unhealthy if he wants to stop at a Burger King or something.
  • Mixie87
    Mixie87 Posts: 16 Member
    First thing is first! DO NOT beat yourself up about it! We all have weak days. 2600 would be a lot for me too, as I am in the SAME normal calorie range as you. I have done it and I others have to, so really just know that no one is perfect. If we were we wouldn't need this website to keep each other on track! haha

    Just be a little more active than normal for the next couple of days, watch your calorie intake, and drink plenty of water. Helps with bloating. I am no expert, but when I have a bad calorie day I always feel bloated and like I am full of sodium (frozen foods and takeout are killer on sodium!).

    Just remember how you feel right now, for next time when you feel like having too many high calorie foods. For me, it is NEVER worth the feeling afterwards when I binge. 3 weeks is really awesome, I have never made it 3 weeks without treating myself to something. I just hope you are giving yourself some slack here and there. It is OKAY to have high calorie foods sometimes, just not all at once. :D

    My weaknesses:
    Steak dinner with fully loaded baked potato and a dinner roll!
    Godiva chocolate

    My way of "cheating":
    I plan these things out, so that they still follow in line with my calories. I limit to one "cheat meal" a week, usually on the weekends and I make sure I eat light that day and exercise so I don't feel bad. I enjoy the heck out of it, eating slowly and stopping when I am full! I used to have my 40 calorie Godiva Milk Chocolate Caramel after my workout/shower every other night just to feel like I wasn't totally deprived.

    Remember we are not here to just lose weight, we are here to change our ways of eating and to be more healthy. Everything in moderation is key!

    If you don't mind me asking, what were these yummy things you ate?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    For me having a "bad food day" is actually a good motivation to do better tomorrow. :)
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    First thing is first! DO NOT beat yourself up about it! We all have weak days. 2600 would be a lot for me too, as I am in the SAME normal calorie range as you. I have done it and I others have to, so really just know that no one is perfect. If we were we wouldn't need this website to keep each other on track! haha

    Just be a little more active than normal for the next couple of days, watch your calorie intake, and drink plenty of water. Helps with bloating. I am no expert, but when I have a bad calorie day I always feel bloated and like I am full of sodium (frozen foods and takeout are killer on sodium!).

    Just remember how you feel right now, for next time when you feel like having too many high calorie foods. For me, it is NEVER worth the feeling afterwards when I binge. 3 weeks is really awesome, I have never made it 3 weeks without treating myself to something. I just hope you are giving yourself some slack here and there. It is OKAY to have high calorie foods sometimes, just not all at once. :D

    My weaknesses:
    Steak dinner with fully loaded baked potato and a dinner roll!
    Godiva chocolate

    My way of "cheating":
    I plan these things out, so that they still follow in line with my calories. I limit to one "cheat meal" a week, usually on the weekends and I make sure I eat light that day and exercise so I don't feel bad. I enjoy the heck out of it, eating slowly and stopping when I am full! I used to have my 40 calorie Godiva Milk Chocolate Caramel after my workout/shower every other night just to feel like I wasn't totally deprived.

    Remember we are not here to just lose weight, we are here to change our ways of eating and to be more healthy. Everything in moderation is key!

    If you don't mind me asking, what were these yummy things you ate?

    Well, I had a bagel from Dunkins with a good amount of PB&J and 4 munchkins, cheese ravioli, sugar wafers..along with the things I usually eat. UGH! Way too many calories but I do realize I need to let myself have some higher calorie foods so I don't go nuts like I did today!
  • Mixie87
    Mixie87 Posts: 16 Member
    Well, I had a bagel from Dunkins with a good amount of PB&J and 4 munchkins, cheese ravioli, sugar wafers..along with the things I usually eat. UGH! Way too many calories but I do realize I need to let myself have some higher calorie foods so I don't go nuts like I did today!

    Bagels, yum! Cheese Ravioli, yum! Sugar wafers, yum! lol, sounds like me!

    What I do is not take those away but make them better and safer to eat.

    Bagels? I LOVE BREAD! So, get those "Bagel Thins" (110cal for top and bottom), add light smear of Philadelphia Cream Cheese (about 100cal), and some banana on top. Takes care of bread (bagel), cheating (regular cream cheese), and sweet (banana). That's breakfast!

    Cheese Ravioli? I LOVE PASTA! harhar! SO, I make it myself and calculate the calories and have a portion. Make my own sauce and just have fun with it. After making it yourself, sitting down and enjoying it is so much better. Plus with a nice salad, using sauce as your dressing or something. Then it's not so bad.

    Sugar Wafers? I opt for the sugar free ones. I actually love those things and since my mom is diabetic, I grew up with most things sugar free anyways. :)

    I am sure you have your own little tricks and stuff, these are just some of the things I do. I break down too and have a burger or pretzel from the mall, but I make up for it later in activity and don't let it happen all the time.

    Another trick I learned! Keep sugar free popsicles in the house! Any time you feel like having something bad, have one of these. At 15cal a pop, they are a lifesaver! On the go? I usually keep 100cal snacks in the car or in my purse. You can make these yourself. Right now I made some with almonds and some cracker mix.

    Without going on and on (sorry, I tend to blabber a lot), just make alternatives for the naughty stuff and temptation will just become a thing of the past. v v v v I look up things like this all the time! Helps put things into perspective as far as snacks and treats. :)

    LMAO- I have all these things in place and I still need help from everyone on here haha! Ribs and fried food and chocolate gorging and french fries and tacos and cotton candy and pizza and breadsticks and bagels and french bread and potato bread and garlic bread and Olive Garden's NEVER ENDING PASTA BOWL and COCKTAILS bar food! I just remember that the feeling of OMG THIS IS BOMB DOT COM is momentary. The feeling afterwards tends to linger and it slows me down in reaching my goal. Ok I'm gonna shut up now haha! I actually hope writing this helps me out too. I need a refresh course on all the "tricks" I have so I can stop failing. We can do this! Helping each other helps us too!

    And what the heck are munchkins? harhar
  • rdvincent
    must be something going on! I'm having a bad day too, it happens, just carry on!