weight lost

Judyann5 Posts: 34
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I do not do well when the scale does not move. It makes me crave all the foods I should not eat. I do well for three or four days and then I fall off the wagon. It is so hard to stop the munchies and I crave sweets all the time. I need help on how to stop wanting sweets all the time. It does not help that I have a family that also loves sweets but then again everyone needs to lose not just me. I am 67 and this is a problem I have all my life. Thanks for listening it really helps to write things down. Judyann5


  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Throw away those scales!!
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi and Welcome Judy. I just want to wish you good luck in your journey. It is awesome that you are going to do this It is hard to get used to not eating the sweets but honestly after a few weeks I stopped craving sweets I just stopped keeping them in the house if hubby wants something he will go and get it he will eat it then it s gone....I have without giving it much thought made alot of healthier choices. I have raised and fed my family for many years and recently I have also made the toughest decision I put myself first and keep healthier things in the house on hand. I am 49 yrs old and already had a heart attack that was the day I decided that I needed to lose weight and get healthy. Give the best you can and remember one day at a time you will have bad days but there is always tomorrow. good luck:)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    there are 2 ways cravings for sweets are triggered.

    first, there is a physical craving for sweets...where really, you can't control the craving as your body longs for more sweets. however, you can control whether you have these physical cravings by simply avoiding sweets, sodas, diet sodas, and foods with a high glycemic index value. those are the foods that cause a spike in the insulin level...which is what creates a physcial craving for sugar. if/when you do eat something with sugar, also eat some protein and drink water to help slow the insulin response and dampen future cravings.

    second, there is a mental craving for sweets...that's something that's in your mind. this is something you can control with will power...with a review of why you are making a lifestyle change. make sure your profile is as brutally honest as possible with the reasons you want to lose weight....the reasons you hate being overweight. read it...review it....go back to it often...revise it whenever you want. it cannot be too long. your writings will help you when your will power starts to go astray. you've got to remind yourself of all of the things you hate about being overweight....about all of the reasons you want to lose weight....of all of the reasons you prefer being healthy and fit. remember that this is a lifelong journey and, like any journey, it will take some time. the ride will have some bumps and you may want to exit stage left a few times....and that's where the strength of your brutally honest writings that you will review will help you stay on track.
  • Don't know you feel about taking OTC products, but they sell Chromium Picolinate and it helps control sugar cravings. Google it and read up on it and see if it would help benefit you. Other than that, all I can recommend is to go 3 whole days without ANY sugar and your body and mind will get use to it. Then you can go on for days without sugar. Use sugar subs and sugar free products...this will help eliminate the sugar cravings. I use to be a sugar addict too but now I really don't miss it. Sugar is "empty" calories. It has NO benefit to us whatsoever. Good Luck!
  • smileyk003
    smileyk003 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Judyann,

    This is from my personal experience only and has no scientific backing whatsoever:

    I really crave sweets alot of the time - I have found that the first 5-7 days that I cut excess sugar out (I still have sugar in my diet but take out chocolate bars, cakes, soft drinks etc) That I have alot of trouble, but after the first week has passed I stop craving them so much - then I can enjoy a little treat now and again happily

    however once I have a few bad days I have to start all over again!

    It seems to just be a mental thing, but sticking it out for a week seems to help me out. Good luck, I hope you find something that works for you!

  • 1. Allow yourself 1 reasonable 'treat' every couple of days. You might find it easier to resist temptation if you know that you have something sweet coming your way.
    2. Keep fruit available (not dried fruit, that's high calorie & won't fill you up like raw fruit)
    3. Get it out of the house. I know that if it's in the house I'll eat it. I tell my husband that if he want's a snack, that's fine, but buy an individual size. Don't keep 'bulk' snacks around the place, that's just setting yourself up for a 'binge'.
    4. The next time you eat a 'treat', come on here and see how many calories it was. Then get on a treadmill or a bike and don't get off until you've burned every last calorie. It may help you think twice before you reach for a cookie next time :happy:
    5. Don't beat yourself up Judy! Giving it up 100% is really tough if you don't have a militant side.
  • Thank you for your reply. I wish you luck on your weight lost. I will keep in mind what you said. Thanks
  • Cassie_86
    Cassie_86 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi judyann5 I am having that same problem I cant seem to leave the junk food alone that is one of my main problems is that and I eat real late at night we both could help each other if possible... Cassie_86
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Hey Judyann,

    I know what you mean. What I have done to change that, is I eat every 2 to 3 hours. In between my major meals I eat fruit to curb the appetite. It is all about portion control, I am at the point where I can eat 1 cookie and stop so I don't eat them at all. I am on a 90 day challenge to become Fit and Free, this is the Zeal Fit anf Free Challenge. with this Challenge we are encouraged to be prepared and eat every 2 to 3 hours portion control is the key, and stay prepared so when the craving for something thay may not be healthy you have your snack to keep you on track We also have daily Mon thru Fri group support where we are given tips to stay within our Challenge and be successful. It is working well for me, I started August 1 and so far have lost 25+ pounds and 15 inches my weigh in time is Friday only so stay tuned I will put it down here when I weigh in. Try it it might just be the right answer for you... Melva
  • nvilla23
    nvilla23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hang in there Judy...One tip I can give you is when you crave sweets, grab a natures own 100% wheat slice of bread and spray some I cant believe its not butter and sprinke splenda on top...I pour like 4 individual packs. It tastes great and the calories are few.
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