Getting a Tattoo?



  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    I can't wait to get one!
    Waiting until I'msmaller though, don't want it ruined by weight change. Happy to have it ruined by pregnancy though. I want an octopus holding the" a perfect circle "symbol on my hip. But people have warned the tentacles may change as my bump/s grow.
    I'm not bothered though, I jsut want it somewhere I can see it! Or I'd get my back piece still. Shame you can't fully appreciate it when it's there.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I have 3! & I love all of them, even though two need a touch up. The before mentioned two I got on my 18th birthday & the last wwhen I was 20.

    IMAG0535.jpg -1st tattoo on 18th Bday.- Matching tattoo with my bff! <3 "Our friendship will grow beautifully & strong like an everlasting rose." -Cheesy but so what! looks cruddy because it got a little infected after I had it done...grrr! IMAG0540.jpg -2nd tattoo on 18th bday.- Butterfly with kanji love symbol. My high school sweetheart & now husband got it for me. I love him soooo very much. It may not have symbolized much then but it does now. =) ....& Lastly, IMAG0538.jpg - "Til death do us part." The 13th was our wedding day. :) (I got this before we got married though.)

    ermmmmmm these are special :D
  • Cortrpr
    Cortrpr Posts: 8 Member
    I got my tattoo about twoish years ago. It is a full back piece of Kwan Yin, goddess of compassion. This pic was taken a few min after we finished all the shading on it. It was my first and currently only tattoo :)
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    I love tats, I have three and getting four more over the next few months :) I am getting a ying yang on the back of my neck for my two girls, I am getting my tramp stamp, I am getting the one on my left leg covered over and on my right leg I am getting a teddy bear holding two blocks , one for each one of my girls names :) plus who knows what ever comes to mind :)