Waaaa... Gonna lose my toenail??

Yes - I can do 2.5 days of unmedicated labor... but injure my toe and I am whining like a baby. I ran my first half marathon on Sunday. (Whoo hoo! Yay! Go me!) But... ok. So, I run my HM and everything hurts and I just had to ignore and push through and get it done. LOTS of body parts hurt at the end... and now I am all back to normal except my d@mn toe. It rubbed so bad on my sneaker that is is pretty severely bruised. (yes, obviously, I know now that I need to go get fitted for better fitting sneaks) So.. it is throbbing and getting uglier each day. It is bruised half way down my toe. My hubs says I will probably lose my nail (which he pointed will grow back - but I pointed that will take a YEAR)

Getting to my point... Is there ANY thing I can do for my poor little toe??? Ice it? Wrap it? Just cut it off at the base and keep running?


  • Lets_Do_It
    I once had to get my nail removed (twice actually) because my nail likes to grow into my skin... urgh! It gets soo badly infected! So, they removed it. Trust me, it's best it falls off. My dad is a bowler and each season, his nail gets bruised and falls off, it's better it falls off than to have a throbbing toe!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Congratulations on your first half Marathon! Awesome work. Sometimes toenails are lost in battle like that :)
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    Sucks to lose your toenail. I am sorry! When i had to get half of mine removed because of an infection secondary to an ingrown toenail secondary to a stupid pedicure lol....now its been about 9 months, almost grown out but part of it is all funky and lifted (almost like curved, the nail doesnt touch the bed)..weird i know! Good luck. It isnt the end of the world and you can paint your toe to look like it has a toenail :)
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yep, wrap it and keep running. I ran 13 on Sunday and I think I'm going to lose mine too. Guess what? My shoes fit good! Sometimes it just happens and from what I've heard it's inevitable with distance. Just let it do it's thing and don't mess with it. "They" say if it falls off on it's own it won't hurt. Sorry I don't have better news. I was pretty stunned when I saw mine this weekend too. Battle scars!

    Maybe others will have better advice? I'm hoping too....
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    LOL! That sucks!! But congrats on your race!! Don't worry, it won't take a year. I lost half my toe nail in suit case "incedent". lol And it really only took a few weeks to grow back. And I wore a pair of shoes to a Christmas party last year that caused a bruise on my nail. I did lose the nail, but by the time it came off, the new one was almost grown completely back. I don't think there is much you can do at this point though. Just don't worry about it. Paint it for now, then you don't have to think about it. When it starts lifting you can use some nail glue on it to keep it down until it is totally ready to come off. Good Luck! Oh, I also have a bruised nail from my half marathon. I'm hoping this one won't fall off.