Repeating Newbie

Hi my name is Tina, after many decades of extra weight I am finally ready to deal
With and lose each kg forever. I look forward to sharing support with you all and to not only
Be inspired but hopefully inspire
Others as we battle this journey together.
Cheers 😊


  • IronBread
    IronBread Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! Stay with the plan. Get a decent diet where you’re below you caloric count and not hungry. The diet has to be sustainable and realistic. Do some workouts at least 3x a week even if it’s just 15 or 30 mins. After two weeks try to increase intensity but always stick to what is comfortable. Stick to the plan. Discipline. Don’t give up hope! Everyday is an opportunity to seize your future. A strength of a woman knows no bounds. From the core outward, dig in and introduce yourself to better you!!
  • DCarney
    DCarney Posts: 38 Member
    You made the decision and are taking action! Great place to start! Feel free to request me if you need a buddy