15/20lbs Gone By Dec 1st!!!! (Awesome Possums)



  • Are there any guys out there? I see lots of ladies, but not so many gentlemen. Anyway, I want to do this challenge. I've never taken part in one of these challenges before, so I don't know how it works exactly. I have been tracking my weight with MFP since early this year, and it just keeps staying steady in the 280s. CW: 282. GW:262. (Long-term GW:220).

    As far as exercising, I'm terrible at keeping with a schedule. I got a gym membership last Christmas (thanks to my beautiful wife) but I just don't use it. I work out maybe once a week.

    Any suggestions for this guy?
  • I'm in!!!!
  • I'm not sure. The more you are able to exercise the better. how are your eating habits?
    Are there any guys out there? I see lots of ladies, but not so many gentlemen. Anyway, I want to do this challenge. I've never taken part in one of these challenges before, so I don't know how it works exactly. I have been tracking my weight with MFP since early this year, and it just keeps staying steady in the 280s. CW: 282. GW:262. (Long-term GW:220).

    As far as exercising, I'm terrible at keeping with a schedule. I got a gym membership last Christmas (thanks to my beautiful wife) but I just don't use it. I work out maybe once a week.

    Any suggestions for this guy?
    I'm in!!!!
  • I would love to be a part of this...

    I just started this morning, I weigh 289 lbs, stand 5' 8" tall, my daily calorie intake will be 1690 cal, I plan on following a strict diet seeing how I am a disable vet (missing my left leg) and I am tired of being the stared at one every where I go and MOST of all I want to walk and play with my Wife and Children, with gods help and your this will be a success story!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I'd love to join in! My goal is to lose 18 lbs, or reach 157 by Dec. 1st :)
  • ta198488
    ta198488 Posts: 20 Member
    This sounds like a good challenge. Thanks for the opportunity.
  • Sure. My eating habits are bad. :( I am kinda just looking for a reason to get motivated about exercising and losing weight. So here goes; I want to exercise 5 times and lose 2 pounds by the end of the month. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • I'll join you in the 20lbs! I'm working out 6 days/week, at least an hour/day.
  • BUMP
  • I'm in!!!! My goal is to be down 20 pounds by the end of Dec =] We can do this!!!!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    YAY!! I totally want to do this!! I fell off the wagon BIG TIME!!! I lost 20 pounds and I KNOW I've gained back at least most of it. :( I'm so nervous to even weigh myself but I NEED to do this!

    I went from 180 to 160 a few months ago. Some things happened in my life that I allowed to take me over and out of anxiety/depression/stress, I dwell on it, don't exercise and EAT. SO... ya, I am 5"3.5 and need to get down to around 120 but I set 10 lb mini goals to stay motivated.
  • Whoop whoop
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    I will join if thats okay. I only have about 9 to go to reach my current goal, but when I get there I may decide to do a few more lbs or some toning for better muscles. I have been going well but started bottoming out/plateauing recently and I know its because its time for me to kick up my exercise effort. Hoping when I pick things up my loss will get back on track.
  • I'll join too, I'm 5'1" and currently 134, aiming for about 110 lbs! I started doing turbofire but seem to get lazy on some days! Hope this helps me stay away from skipping days! :) So excited!
  • Bri009
    Bri009 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join too. I need to do anything possible to loose 30 to 40 pounds by the end of January! I will take all the help I can get :)
  • It's good to see all the other people on here who haven't posted on many other threads. Cuz I was nervous i might be one of only a few.

    So what are everyone's plans to reach your goal by dec?
  • I'm in!! I would love to lose 20 by december!
  • I want to be in the group, but my goal date is November 22 as I am going to Hawaii for Thanksgiving. Want to be at 140 by then.
  • I love your mini goals! Maybe I'll steal the idea! What are your plans to get back on the wagon?
    YAY!! I totally want to do this!! I fell off the wagon BIG TIME!!! I lost 20 pounds and I KNOW I've gained back at least most of it. :( I'm so nervous to even weigh myself but I NEED to do this!

    I went from 180 to 160 a few months ago. Some things happened in my life that I allowed to take me over and out of anxiety/depression/stress, I dwell on it, don't exercise and EAT. SO... ya, I am 5"3.5 and need to get down to around 120 but I set 10 lb mini goals to stay motivated.