this is harder than i though

this is really much harder than i thought. im on my first week and havent lost not one pound. am i doing something wrong:cry:


  • nope! it takes a while. keep working on it!
  • lrusciolelli
    lrusciolelli Posts: 2 Member
    hang in there... keep celebrating the small wins... like keeping to your food plan for each meal and drinking your water. It helps to focus on something other than those darn numbers! You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Keep working! Your body is going to take a minute to get the message, It happens even after you've started to lose weight. Don'r give up!!! DON'T GIVE UP!!! :heart:
  • vbowman_morris
    vbowman_morris Posts: 22 Member
    Cant tell if you are doing something wrong or not. But it does take time, lots of determination and knowledge!! Dont give up, it takes patience. There are so many opinions on here about what works and what doesnt, but two things I know to be true....weight loss is mainly about what foods you are putting into your body and weight training is what shapes and tones your body. What have you been doing so far??
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Just because you have not lost any weight does not mean you are not getting healthy!! Also you can be toning up!! Sometimes we dont loose more than we should, did you put any on??? If not well done, if you did maybe you dont have much to loose??? I dont know, as I dont know you, but never give up... Try eating different things, look at other peoples food diary's and see how they do it, or visit the doc and see if you have a thyroid problem, again I dont know as I dont know you... But it does take time... xx Good luck and you will get there... xxx
  • You're doing great... keep at it.... the changes will come. I have tried everything on the planet, and nothing worked until I started counting calories... and it's coming slowly...
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    be positive, this is not just a way to lose weight but a complete lifestyle change and i love it :happy:
  • veidtmeister
    veidtmeister Posts: 16 Member
    If youre weighing yourself 5 times a day..STOP Weight loss is a mysterious thing, and goes in fits and starts. I lost a ton of weight at first, then hit a plateau, where even though I was eating WAY less then they say is "healthy"....I still wasnt losing an ounce....this went on for about a month and a half, and then ...*poof*..I started losing again. A few months later....bang....plateau...then 3-4 weeks later...*poof...
    I think the body goes through stages in weight loss where it tries to stabilize, and no matter how "good" you are, the body fights back. But if you just keep at it. Eat healthy, eat smart, log everything, dont cheat, if you do cheat, forgive yourself and start again...and it will come. The key for me was focusing on the process, and not the result. Its a journey, not a destination....(cheezy, I know...)
  • mashamoshpit
    mashamoshpit Posts: 11 Member
    Weight is a really tricky goal to set for yourself, as it has soo many variables involved that can leave you frustrated and wanting to give up. I suggest aiming more for a body fat percentage that is considered healthier as this is really what matters and will prove that you look good.