Season 1, Episode 11: The Biggest Loser

if you've been following Jonas_Renfold's competition of MFPs version of The Biggest Loser, there's been a writer change to the script. I'm not as computer savvy as he and Don (the writer of the previous few episodes), but if you've been following the contestants and watching the competition dwindle down, then you might want to read the latest episode. It's down to just four contestants, and they have a doozy of a challenge to make it to the top three!!!

Go to to find out who they are, and what their challenge is!


  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    So excited to see who is going to be MFP's first Biggest Loser!!!
  • donbet69
    It's all about finishing the marathon. Take as long as you need, but finish it.... This marathon, much like all of our journeys, is not a race against time. It is a slow and steady pace. If you stay focused you will reach your goals !!!!!